Yakuza Wolf 2: Extend My Condolences (1972) Killcount by Satan Claus
Starring Shin’ichi “Sonny” Chiba
Read moreYakuza Wolf 2: Extend My Condolences (1972) Killcount
59 – Jim Kelly: Dickpuncher Extraordinaire | RSS.com The boys check out some of the films of Enter the Dragon co-star Jim Kelly: Black Belt Jones (1974) and Black Samurai (1976). Was he unfairly sidelined or was Bruce Lee’s shadow the best he could do?
We are back with a new Top 250* of the greatest action movies of all time after ten years. *Technically a Top 253 because of a 5-way tie at 249. 13 discord members gave a total of 4252 votes on the 531 movies that were nominated. The minimum amount of votes required for a movie … Read moreTop 250 2024
58 – Jesse V Johnson’s favorite son | RSS.com The guys induct Belgian B-actioner star, martial artist, stunt choreographer, stuntman, and former foreign legionnaire Dominique Vandenberg into the hall of fame. Perhaps the most obscure actor to be inducted, but unquestionably one of the most badass both on and even more so off-screen.
Starring Shin’ichi “Sonny” Chiba
Read moreYakuza Wolf 2: Extend My Condolences (1972) Killcount
Check out how many kills the real life former legionnaire from Belgium gets in his movie career.
Starring Paul Mescal, Pedro Pascal, and Denzel Washington