Death Wish V: The Face Of Death (1994) Body Count Breakdown

Death Wish V: The Face Of Death (1994) Body Count Breakdown by BodyCountMan [CHARACTER KILLS] Paul Kersey (Charles Bronson): 7 Freddie ‘Flakes’ (Robert Joy): 3 Chuck Paconi (Kevin Lund): 1 Sal Paconi (Chuck Shamata): 1 [CORPSE BREAKDOWN] Good Night Reg: 1 -Chuck shoots Reg Miss-Informer: 2 -Freddie kills Big Al and Janice Omori in a … Read moreDeath Wish V: The Face Of Death (1994) Body Count Breakdown

The Crow: City Of Angels (1996) Body Count Breakdown

The Crow: City Of Angels (1996) Body Count Breakdown by BodyCountMan [CHARACTER KILLS] Ashe Corven/The Crow-(Vincent Perez) 5 Judah Earl-(Richard Brooks) 2 Curve-(Iggy Pop) 2 Kali-(Thuy Trang) 2 [CORPSE BREAKDOWN] Death Of A Father And Son: 2 Kali-shoots Danny Curve-Shoots Ashe That Was A Bad Batch: 1 Judah-stabs Bassett up the nose whit a needle … Read moreThe Crow: City Of Angels (1996) Body Count Breakdown

God’s Gun (1976) Body Count Breakdown

God’s Gun [Diamante Lobo] (1976) Body Count Breakdown by BodyCountMan [CHARACTER KILLS] Lewis-(Lee Van Cleef) 6 Sam Clayton-(Jack Palance) 5 Zeke Clayton-(Cody Palance) 3 Jess Clayton-(Robert Lipton) 3 [CORPSE BREAKDOWN] The Opening Shootout: 3 Zeke-shoots 3 Deputys Saloon: 1 Jess-throws a kife into a man’s back The Death Of Father John: 1 -2 of Sam’s … Read moreGod’s Gun (1976) Body Count Breakdown