Angel Heart (1987) Body Count Breakdown

Angel Heart (1987) Body Count Breakdown by Longuecarabine [Character Kills] John “Johnny Favorite” Liebling/Harry Angel (Mickey Rourke): 6 Louis Cyphre (Robert De Niro): 1 [Corpse Breakdown] Opening: 1 A body shown on the ground “Most unpleasant”: 1 A man’s blood shown on the wall after committing suicide Poughkeepsie: 1 Dr. Fowler shown dead, shot in … Read moreAngel Heart (1987) Body Count Breakdown

Get Carter (2000) Body Count Breakdown

Get Carter (2000) Body Count Breakdown by Gregglop09 [CHARACTER KILLS] Jack Carter (Sylvester Stallone): 3 Cyrus (Mickey Rourke): 2 [CORPSE BREAKDOWN] Ritchie’s Death: 1 -Cyrus kills Ritchie Geraldine’s House: 1 -Cyrus kills Geraldine Apartment: 1 -Jack throws Eddie off the roof to his death Kinnear’s House: 1 -Jack beats Cyrus to death Final Confrontation: 1 … Read moreGet Carter (2000) Body Count Breakdown

AMB: Iron Man 2 (2010)

[THE CHALK OUTLINE] Iron Man 2 (2010): breakdown by Rorschach94 A wealthy businessman, who is also a superhero, must deal with the consequences of revealing that he is a superhero to the world while also dealing with a shady government organization trying to recruit him, an angry Russian trying to kill him, a jealous businessman … Read moreAMB: Iron Man 2 (2010)

Iron Man 2 (2010) Body Count Breakdown

Iron Man 2 (2010) Body Count Breakdown by Gregglop09 [CHARACTER KILLS] Ivan Vanko (Mickey Rourke): 11 Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson): 9 [CORPSE BREAKDOWN] Moscow: 1 -Anton Vanko dies of old age Test Video: 1 -Worker in China is killed by a power blast Race Track: 4 -Ivan (using his whips) causes a race car … Read moreIron Man 2 (2010) Body Count Breakdown