Tokyo Raiders (2000) Body Count Breakdown

Tokyo Raiders [Dong Jing Gong Lüe] (2000) Body Count Breakdown by luvmetender009


Inspector Lin (Tony Leung Chiu-Wai) – 2


-Lin throws a thug to the front of the moving lorry (we did not see the impact or death, but the thug was never seen again and judging by the speed and rate the lorry its going he’s probably minced or crushed)
-Lin shoots the lorry’s fuel tank and it blows up (the driver isn’t seen coming out as it blows)


-Lin and Yung beats up a massive amount of people throughout the movie but they didn’t claim any lives.
-There are many, many furious chase sequences and explosions throughout the movie (which could easily rival those in Quantum of Solace), on foot, scooters, wheeled vehicles, and boats but almost no deaths were seen.
-Lin’s boat crashes onto the docks in the end blowing up an entire pier but nobody is on or near it at all.
-Yung might have some brutal knockouts in the house scene but none were lethal enough for a confirmed kill.
-Lin fights with an assortment of weapons but none of them are capable of taking lives, e.g. pointed or spiked. So, no dice.