Vanishing Son II (1994) Body Count Breakdown

Vanishing Son II (1994) Body Count Breakdown by Gregglop09 [CHARACTER KILLS] Jian-Wa Chang (Russell Wong): 1 Wago Chang (Chi Moui Lo): 3 Fu Qua (Marcus Chong): 2 Hung (Dustin Nyguen): 1 [CORPSE BREAKDOWN] Resturaunt: 2 -Fu shoots 2 Triads Boat: 1 -Hung shoots Jeff with a sniper rifle Final Showdown: 14 -Wa shoots a deputy … Read moreVanishing Son II (1994) Body Count Breakdown

Vanishing Son (1994) Body Count Breakdown

Vanishing Son (1994) Body Count Breakdown by Gregglop09 [CHARACTER KILLS] Jian-Wa (Russell Wong): 1 Wago (Chi Muoi Lo): 5 Bones Lee Hoy (Brian Fong): 4 Fu Qua Johnson (Marcus Chong): 2 [CORPSE BREAKDOWN] Riot: 2 -2 Chinese immigrants are shot “Come On!”: 1 -Wa kills Herb with a killer neck breaking kick Warehouse: 6 -Wago … Read moreVanishing Son (1994) Body Count Breakdown

Killing End (2001) Body Count Breakdown

Killing End [Sha Ke] (2001) Body Count Breakdown by luvmetender009 [CHARACTER KILLS] Dik (Andy Hui Chi-On) – 3 kills Naja (Ng Ting Yip) – 1 kill [CORPSE BREAKDOWN] Alley Confrontation – 1 -Dik shoots Fai in the head blowing his brains out Nightclub/Failed Assasination – 1 -Naja finishes off Junk with a sharp kick delivered … Read moreKilling End (2001) Body Count Breakdown

Top Ten Reasons Nicolas Cage Is The Greatest Actor–Ever

Hello. My name is Rant. I love the actor Nicolas Cage. I UN-apologetically admit this without any sense of sarcasm or irony. And even though it is entirely unnecessary to further explain myself–here are 10 reasons why… Why? Because the only thing better than being Nic Cage, seeing Nic Cage or seeing yourself be Nic … Read moreTop Ten Reasons Nicolas Cage Is The Greatest Actor–Ever