The Expendables 3 Killcount and Body Count Breakdown

The Expendables 3 (2014)

Starring Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Harrison Ford, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Wesley Snipes, Dolph Lundgren, Randy Couture, Terry Crews, Antonio Banderas, Victor Ortiz, Ronda Rousey, Kellan Lutz and Jet Li

Watch Videos:

Alt. Video For Statham:

Alt. Video For Snipes:

Stallone kills 55
Statham kills 106
Ford kills 37
Schwarzenegger kills 43
Snipes kills 73
Lundgren kills 45
Couture kills 65
Crews kills 30
Banderas kills 27
Ortiz kills 20
Rousey kills 19
Lutz kills 19
Li kills 36

The Expendables 3 rights held by Nu Image and Lionsgate.

The Expendables 3 [Unrated Edition] (2014) Body Count Breakdown by Gregglop09

(Previously done by Statham17)

[Character Kills]

Lee Christmas (Jason Statham): 106
Doctor “Doc” Death (Wesley Snipes): 73
Toll Road (Randy Couture): 65
Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone): 55
Gunner Jensen (Dolph Lundgren): 45
Trent “Trench” Mauser (Arnold Schwarzenegger): 43
CIA Field Operations Officer Maxwell “Max” Drummer (Harrison Ford): 37
Yin Yang (Jet Li): 36
Hale Caesar (Terry Crews): 30
Galgo (Antonio Banderas): 27
Marlito “Mars” (Victor Ortiz): 20
John Smilee (Kellan Lutz): 19
Luna (Ronda Rousey): 19
Conrad Stonebanks (Mel Gibson): 9
Thorn (Glen Powell): 6

[Corpse Breakdown]

Armored Prison Transport: 79
Gunner and Toll shoot a soldier together (Shared)
Lee shoots a soldier
Gunner, Lee and Toll shoot 24 soldiers together (Shared)
Gunner, Lee and Toll’s wire trap knocks 13 soldiers off the train to their deaths (Shared)
Lee and Toll shoot 2 soldiers together (Shared)
Lee shoots a soldier through a metal door while he’s using the bathroom
Lee and Toll blow up a soldier with an explosive charge on a door (Shared)
Toll shoots a soldier
Doc knees a soldier in the face killing him
Doc throws a knife into a soldier’s chest
Doc elbows a soldier in the throat crushing his windpipe killing him
Doc mows down 6 soldiers with the train’s machine gun turret
Doc pulls the brake to the train causing it to crash into the prison blowing up The Warden and 25 soldiers

Mogadishu, Somalia: 69
Lee stabs a militia in the neck with a knife
Lee throws knives into 2 militia’s chests
Gunner snipes 3 militia causing them to fall off a roof to their deaths
Doc stabs a militia in the stomach then in the back with a knife
Doc cuts 2 militia’s throats with a machete
Lee opens the container’s door causing a militia to fall off another container to his death
Lee throws a knife into a militia’s chest
Barney, Lee and Toll shoot 5 militia together (Shared)
Caesar mows down 24 militia with a minigun
Caesar shoots trucks with a minigun causing them to explode blowing up 3 militia
Toll shoots a militia
Barney shoots a militia
Lee shoots a militia
Toll shoots 3 militia with the truck’s machine gun turret
Barney shoots a militia
Toll shoots a militia with the truck’s machine gun turret causing the truck to crash into an oil drum killing 2 militia
Barney shoots a militia on a railing
Toll shoots 2 militia on a railing
Barney shoots a militia in a car
Doc shoots a militia in a truck
Lee shoots a militia in the head in a truck
Doc shoots 4 militia in the back of the truck
Lee causes the hook to the boat to be hooked onto a dumpster causing a truck to crash into the boat and flip over killing 3 militia
Barney, Toll, Gunner, Lee, Caesar and Doc shoot 3 militia in a truck together (Shared)

Research: 7
5 civilians’ bodies are seen in a picture having been tortured to death by Stonebanks
2 soldiers’ bodies are seen in a picture having been tortured to death by Stonebanks

Weapons Deal: 10
Mars shoots 3 thugs
Barney throws a knife into a thug’s chest
Smilee shoots 3 thugs
Barney and Smilee shoot 3 thugs together (Shared)
Barney shoots Goran Vata
Barney shoots a thug
Luna breaks a thug’s neck

River: 4
Barney shoots 4 mercenaries

Azmenistan: 159
Galgo shoots a mercenary
Barney shoots 2 mercenaries
Barney shoots a mercenary in the background
Thorn shoots a mercenary in the background
Lee shoots 2 mercenaries
Lee and Galgo shoot a mercenary together (Shared)
Toll shoots a soldier in the head
2 soldiers’ bodies are seen having been shot by Toll
2 soldiers’ bodies are seen having been shot by Smilee
Smilee shoots 2 soldiers
Doc shoots 5 soldiers
Doc and Luna shoot 4 soldiers together (Shared)
Luna shoots 5 soldiers
Mars shoots 2 soldiers with a shotgun
Lee shoots 3 mercenaries in the background
Galgo shoots a mercenary in the background
Barney shoots 2 mercenaries
Thorn shoots 2 mercenaries
Lee shoots a mercenary
3 mercenaries’ bodies are seen having been shot by Galgo
Galgo shoots a mercenary
Lee shoots a mercenary
Barney and Thorn shoot a mercenary together (Shared)
Thorn shoots a mercenary after knocking him down
Mars shoots 6 soldiers with a shotgun
Barney shoots 3 mercenaries
Thorn shoots 2 mercenaries
Barney shoots a mercenary
Lee blows up 2 mercenaries with a grenade
Doc and Luna shoot a soldier together (Shared)
Mars shoots 4 soldiers with a shotgun
Barney shoots 2 mercenaries in their backs
Barney shoots 3 mercenaries while running
Drummer shoots a helicopter’s rotor with the helicopter’s machine gun causing it to crash and explode killing the 2 pilots
Trench mows down 16 soldiers with the helicopter’s machine gun turret
Yang mows down 9 soldiers with the helicopter’s machine gun turret
Drummer shoots a missile from the helicopter at a tank blowing up the 2 crewmen and 12 soldiers around it
Smilee knocks a soldier off his motorcycle with his P90 killing him
Smilee jams a soldier’s motorcycle with his P90 causing him to fly off the motorcycle and down a building to his death
Drummer shoots a missile at a tank blowing up the 2 crewmen and 4 around it
Drummer shoots a missile at another tank blowing up 2 crewmen
Yang mows down 4 soldiers with the helicopter’s machine gun turret
Yang and Trench mow down 9 soldiers with the helicopter’s machine gun turrets together (Shared)
Lee breaks a mercenary’s neck
Lee shoots 2 mercenaries in their backs
Lee shoots 4 mercenaries
Lee blows up 2 mercenaries with a grenade
4 mercenaries’ bodies are seen having been shot by Lee
Lee blows up 2 mercenaries with his grenade launcher attachment
Lee shoots a mercenary in the head while he’s repelling upside down on a ceiling
Lee shoots a mercenary
Lee blows up 2 mercenaries repelling on the ceiling with a grenade
Smilee shoots 3 soldiers while riding the motorcycle
Smilee throws a grenade inside a tank’s cannon blowing up the 2 crewmen inside

“You wanna do something?”: 94
Yang shoots a helicopter’s rotor with the helicopter’s machine gun turret causing it to crash into a silo and explode blowing up the 2 pilots
Barney shoots 2 mercenaries
5 mercenaries’ bodies are seen having been shot by Barney
Mars shoots 4 soldiers with a shotgun
Toll shoots a tank crewman in the back
Gunner shoots a tank crewman inside the tank
Mars shoots a soldier with a shotgun
Toll shoots a tank with the tank’s cannon blowing up 2 crewmen
Lee blows up 3 mercenaries with a grenade
Lee shoots 4 mercenaries while running
Lee shoots a mercenary before taking him as a human shield
Lee shoots 2 mercenaries after taking the human shield
Lee stabs a mercenary in the neck with a knife
Lee throws a knife into a mercenary’s chest
Doc throws a knife into a mercenary’s back
Lee stabs a mercenary to death with a knife
Luna shoots 3 soldiers
Luna beats 2 soldiers to death with her gun
Galgo shoots 7 soldiers
A mercenary’s body is seen having been shot by Doc and Lee together (Shared)
Doc shoots 3 mercenaries
Doc kicks a mercenary hard in the face killing him
Doc shoots 4 mercenaries
Galgo shoots a soldier
Luna slams a soldier head-first into a poker table killing him
Galgo shoots a soldier
Luna shoots a soldier
Luna karate chops a soldier in the throat crushing his windpipe killing him
Luna shoots a soldier
Doc throws knives into 2 mercenaries’ chests
Doc stabs a mercenary in the chest with a knife after throwing him down
Doc shoots a mercenary then kicks him down killing him
Galgo shoots 3 soldiers
Galgo shoots 4 soldiers with dual pistols
Doc stabs a mercenary in the back with a knife
Doc stabs a mercenary to death with a knife
Doc throws a knife into a mercenary’s chest then kicks him in the face killing him
Lee stabs Krug in the shoulder with a knife killing him
Galgo shoots 4 soldiers
Luna shoots a soldier on the ground
Trench shoots a helicopter’s rotor causing it to crash into a silo and explode blowing up the 2 pilots
Barney shoots a mercenary with dual pistols while blindfiring
6 mercenaries’ bodies are seen having been shot by Barney
Barney shoots 3 mercenaries
Barney stabs a mercenary in the chest with a knife
Smilee shoots a mercenary while hanging on to the roof
Smilee shoots a soldier while hanging on to the roof

“How hard can it be to kill 10 men?!”: 37
Stonebanks shoots The Tech Guy in the head
Stonebanks shoots The Colonel
Drummer shoots 2 mercenaries with the helicopter’s machine gun turret
Trench shoots 2 mercenaries with his AA-12
Yang and Trench shoot 3 mercenaries together (Shared)
Yang shoots a mercenary
Trench shoots 2 mercenaries with his AA-12
3 mercenaries’ bodies are seen having been shot with an AA-12 by Trench
Trench shoots 2 mercenaries with his AA-12
Yang shoots 7 mercenaries
Trench shoots a mercenary with his AA-12
Lee shoots a mercenary in the head
Drummer shoots a missile from the helicopter at the roof blowing up 11 mercenaries

“I am The Hague”: 1
Barney guns down Conrad Stonebanks

[The Unconfirmed And Uncounted]

-Many beatdowns/knockouts but nothing fatal
-Hammer and Woodsman are mentioned to have been killed offscreen
-Stonebanks snipes Hale Caesar in the leg and back but he survives
-Mingo, Torres and Tiger are mentioned to have been killed in a mission in Benghazi offscreen
-Stonebanks mentions people getting killed during a mission offscreen
-It is unknown if the soldiers and the mercenary knocked unconscious by Luna, Galgo and Trench were killed during the building implosion

[The Final Tally= 460]