The Expendables (2010) Killcount & Body Count Breakdown

The Expendables (2010)

Starring Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet LiTerry Crews and Randy Couture

Watch Videos:

Stallone, Statham, Li and Crews’ Kills:

Couture’s Kills:

Stallone kills 43
Statham kills 68
Li kills 33
Crews kills 33
Couture kills 12

The Expendables rights held by Lionsgate Films.

The Expendables [Extended Director’s Cut] (2010) Body Count Breakdown by Gregglop09

(Previously done by ASHPD24)

[Character Kills]

Lee Christmas (Jason Statham): 68
Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone): 43
Yin Yang (Jet Li): 33
Hale Caesar (Terry Crews): 33
Toll Road (Randy Couture): 12
Gunner Jensen (Dolph Lundgren): 5
CIA Agent James Munroe (Eric Roberts): 3
General Garza (David Zayas): 2
Dan Paine (Steve Austin): 1

[Corpse Breakdown]

“Warning shot!”: 14
Gunner blows The Pirate Leader in half with a grenade launcher
Barney shoots a pirate
Yang shoots 3 pirates
Lee shoots 3 pirates
Barney shoots 5 pirates
Gunner blows a pirate apart with a grenade launcher

“I call that a tie!”: 8
Barney shoots 3 pirates
Lee throws a knife into The Tall Pirate’s chest
Barney shoots 3 pirates
Lee throws a knife into a pirate’s chest

“Now we can see inside of him and I see lies”: 3
Munroe shoots a man who was stealing from them in the back
Garza shoots the other 2 men who were stealing from them in their backs

Field: 14
Barney shoots a soldier
Lee stabs a soldier with a knife
Barney shoots a soldier in the back
Barney shoots a soldier
Lee cuts 2 soldiers’ throats with a knife
Barney shoots 2 soldiers
Lee throws a knife into a soldier’s throat
Lee cuts a soldier’s throat with a knife
Lee stabs a soldier in the chest with a knife
Lee throws a knife into a soldier’s throat
Lee cuts a soldier’s throat with a knife
Barney breaks a soldier’s neck
Lee throws a knife into a soldier’s back
Barney shoots a soldier about to shoot Lee

Island Escape: 25
Barney shoots the customs agent
Lee shoots 14 soldiers with the plane’s machine guns
Lee spreads gas on the dock then shoots it with a flare gun blowing up 10 soldiers

Car Chase: 6
Yang shoots a hitman in his car
Gunner crashes into an SUV with his car causing it to crash into another car killing 2 hitmen
Barney bumps into an SUV with his truck causing it to crash into a garbage truck killing 2 hitmen
Gunner stomps Gunner’s Goon to death with his foot

Planting the charges: 4
Lee throws a knife into a soldier’s neck
Caesar slices a soldier to death with a razor offscreen
Caesar breaks a soldier’s neck
Lee stabs a soldier with a knife

Rescuing Sandra: 2
Barney cuts a soldier’s head off with a knife
Barney stabs a soldier in the throat with a knife

Tunnel: 33
Lee shoots 2 soldiers
Yang breaks a soldier’s neck with his legs
Lee shoots a soldier
Lee hacks a soldier to death with a knife
Lee throws a knife into a soldier’s chest
Yang kicks The Brit hard in the face breaking his neck
Lee shoots a soldier
Toll shoots 2 soldiers
Lee shoots a soldier
Caesar mows down 23 soldiers with an AA-12

“We will kill this American disease!”: 3
Paine shoots Garza’s Bodyguard #1
Munroe shoots General Garza causing him to fall off a balcony to his death
Munroe shoots Garza’s Bodyguard #2

Palace Battle: 71
Barney, Lee and Yang shoot 3 soldiers together (Shared)
Toll shoots a soldier
Caesar shoots 2 soldiers with an AA-12
Caesar shoots a soldier’s head off with an AA-12
Toll shoots 2 soldiers
Lee blows up 2 soldiers with a grenade
Toll shoots 2 soldiers in a tower
Yang shoots 2 soldiers
Barney shoots 2 soldiers
Lee and Toll blow up 2 soldiers with grenades together (Shared)
Lee shoots a grenade blowing up a soldier
Lee shoots a soldier
Toll shoots a soldier
Caesar shoots a tower with his AA-12 grenade launcher attachment blowing up 2 soldiers
Barney shoots a soldier
Caesar shoots a tower with his AA-12 grenade launcher attachment blowing up 2 soldiers
Lee shoots 2 soldiers
Lee throws a knife into a soldier’s chest
Barney shoots 4 soldiers
Barney shoots a soldier in the head
Yang shoots a soldier in the back
Lee throws a knife into a soldier’s throat
Lee shoots a soldier
Yang shoots a soldier
Barney shoots 2 soldiers
Yang throws a grenade onto a gas line blowing up 13 soldiers
Lee shoots a soldier
Yang shoots 5 soldiers
Barney shoots 4 soldiers with dual pistols
Lee shoots a soldier
Lee breaks a soldier’s neck
Lee shoots 2 soldiers
Toll tackles Dan Paine onto a stream of fire setting him on fire then punches him in the face causing him to burn to death
Caesar throws a razor into a soldier’s throat
Barney shoots the artillery shell thrown into the air by Caesar blowing up the helicopter killing the pilot

Standoff: 1
Barney shoots James Munroe then Lee throws a knife through his back killing him

[The Unconfirmed And Uncounted]

-Many beatdowns/knockouts but nothing fatal
-Sandra mentions her mother dying of unknown causes
-Barney non-lethally shoots 2 soldiers in the legs
-Tool mentions him and Barney’s teammates getting chopped up in a mission in Bosnia
-Tool mentions a woman jumping off a bridge during a mission in Bosnia
-Barney shoots Gunner Jensen but he survives
-Yang stabs a soldier in the shoulder with a knife but he survives
-Barney detonates the explosives blowing up the palace but it is unknown if the unconscious soldiers inside were killed or not

[The Final Tally= 184]