The Transporter Refueled Body Count Breakdown

The Transporter Refueled (2015) Body Count Breakdown by Gregglop09

[Character Kills]

Gina (Gabriella Wright): 3
Leo Imasova (Lenn Kudrjawizki): 3
Yuri (Yuri Kolokolnikov): 3
Arkady Karasov (Radivoje Bukvić): 2
Maïssa (Noémie Lenoir): 1
Anna (Loan Chabanol): 1

[Corpse Breakdown]

French Riviera, 1995/“So are we”: 6
Imasova and Yuri shoot The West African Pimp and 5 of his men (3 each)

“My sentiments exactly”: 3
Gina shoots Turgin in the head
Gina shoots Turgin’s Bodyguard in the head
A prostitute’s body is seen in a bag died from a heroin overdose 

Yacht Shootout: 7
Karasov shoots Maria 
One of Karasov’s men shoots Imasova
One of Imasova’s men shoots one of Karasov’s men
Karasov shoots Yuri
One of Imasova’s men shoots Qiao
Gina strangles Maïssa with rope
Gina dies from a gunshot wound inflicted by Maïssa

Final Fight: 1
Anna shoots Karasov causing him to fall off a cliff to his death 

[The Unconfirmed and Uncounted]

-Many beatdowns/knockouts but nothing fatal
-Many cop cars crash during the two Car Chases but none of the crashes looked fatal
-Frank Jr. throws a switchblade into a thug but only in the shoulder 
-Frank Jr. causes several motorcycle cops to crash during the Car Chase but none of them appeared to have died 
-Many people are non-lethally gassed at the club
-Frank Jr. knocks several of Karasov’s men into some water but they didn’t appear to have died

 [The Final Tally= 17]