One More Shot (2024) Killcount & Body Count Breakdown

One More Shot (2024) Killcount by Satan Claus

Starring Scott Adkins

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Adkins kills 46

One More Shot rights held by Signature Films.

One More Shot (2024) Body Count Breakdown by Gregglop09


Lieutenant Commander Jake Harris (Scott Adkins): 46
Homeland Security Agent Jennifer Lomax (Alexis Knapp): 1
Amin Mansur (Waleed Elgadi): 1
Campbell (Teddy Linard): 1
Dunbar (Aaron Toney): 1


Docks Takedown: 1
A Homeland Security agent snipes a terrorist in the head in a truck

Terminal: 6
A security guard’s body is seen having had his throat cut with a knife by a mercenary
A security guard’s body is seen having been stabbed in the stomach with a knife by a mercenary
Jake shoots a mercenary in the head on the ground with a pistol
Jake shoots 2 mercenaries in their heads with a pistol
A mercenary shoots a soldier in the head

Parking Lot: 5
Jake shoots 4 mercenaries in their heads with a pistol
Mercenaries shoot 2 Homeland Security agents in their heads with machine guns

Road Ambush: 5
Jake shoots 4 mercenaries in their heads with a pistol
A mercenary shoots a Homeland Security agent with a machine gun

Street: 2
Mercenaries shoot 2 Homeland Security agents with machine guns

Van: 1
Homeland Security Agent Hooper dies from being shot in the stomach with a machine gun by a mercenary

Attempted Break-In: 5
Jake shoots 2 mercenaries in their heads with a pistol
Homeland Security agents shoot 2 mercenaries in their heads with machine guns
A Homeland Security agent shoots a mercenary in the head with a machine gun

Warehouse: 4
Jake hits a mercenary hard in the face with a butt of a rifle killing him
Jake chokes a mercenary to death with his arm
Jake shoots a mercenary in the head with a submachine gun
Jake stabs a mercenary in the neck with a combat knife

Hallway: 1
A mercenary’s body is seen having been stabbed with a combat knife by Jake

“Oh, shit!”: 1
Jake stabs a mercenary in the neck with a combat knife

“We’re done here”: 2
Jake stabs a mercenary in the neck with a combat knife

Terminal Escape: 1
Jake shoots a mercenary in the head with a submachine gun

Kitchen: 4
Jake shoots a mercenary in the head with a submachine gun
Jake shoots a mercenary with a submachine gun
Jake shoots 2 mercenaries in their heads with a submachine gun

“Don’t come any closer!”: 1
Amin shoots a mercenary with a pistol

Terminal Shootout: 3
A mercenary shoots a Homeland Security agent in the head with a submachine gun
A mercenary shoots a Homeland Security agent in the neck with a submachine gun
A mercenary shoots a Homeland Security agent with a submachine gun

“Well, that was silly”: 1
Dunbar shoots a Homeland Security Agent in the head with a pistol

“Oh I fucking knew it”: 1
Lomax shoots Michael “Mike” Marshall in the side of the head with a pistol

Hallway Fight: 2
Jake shoots Campbell in the head on the ground with a submachine gun
Jake shoots a mercenary he choked unconscious in the neck with a submachine gun

“Step aside, I’ll do it”: 2
Jake forces a mercenary to shoot another mercenary with a submachine gun
Jake stabs a mercenary in the side of the neck with a combat knife

Train Fight: 3
Jake shoots 2 mercenaries with a submachine gun
Jake shoots a mercenary in the head with a submachine gun

“Give it up, man”: 7
Bridges dies from having Jake cutting his throat with a combat knife
Jake stabs a mercenary to death with a knife
Jake drags a mercenary underneath a scaffolding then kills him in an unknown manner offscreen
Jake shoots 3 mercenaries in their heads with a submachine gun
Jake impales Dunbar through the nuts on a forklift then punches him hard in the face killing him

Tarmac Takedown: 6
Jake punches Numan in the throat killing her
Jake shoots 2 mercenaries with a submachine gun
Jake shoots a mercenary in the chest and head with a submachine gun
Jake shoots a mercenary with a submachine gun
Jake shoots a mercenary in the head with a submachine gun

Plane: 1
Jake shoots a mercenary in the head with a pistol

[The Final Tally= 63]