Walker, Texas Ranger Season 9 (2000-2001) Body Count Breakdown

Season 8 Trial By Fire

Walker, Texas Ranger Season 9 (2000-2001) Body Count Breakdown by Gregglop09

[Character Kills]

Texas Ranger Sergeant Cordell Walker (Chuck Norris): 20
Texas Ranger Sergeant James “Jimmy” Trivette Jr. (Clarence Gilyard Jr.): 9
Texas Ranger Sydney “Syd” Cooke (Nia Peeples): 8
Emile Lovacat (Marshall R. Teague): 8
Lazarus (Roger Yuan): 6
NYPD Sergeant Vincent “Vince” Rosetti (Peter Onorati): 6
Holt (Ian Paul Cassidy): 5
William Borla (Mark Stefanich): 5
Hayes Cooper (Chuck Norris): 5
Boyd Scranton (Andrew Rothenberg): 4
Milos “Moon” Lovacat (Marshall R. Teague): 4
Texas Ranger Francis Gage (Judson Mills): 4
Nolan Pierce/The Chairman (Michael Ironside): 3
Jake Hobart (Jeffrey Dean Morgan): 3
Dwight Burner (Mark Kiely): 3
McNeely (Nick Chinlund): 3
Pete Drayton (Brett Cullen): 2
Dean Scaggs (John Thaddeus): 2
Raoul “Skull” Hidalgo (Carlos Bernard): 2
Victor Drake (Peter Woodward): 2
Flint (Larry Johnson): 2
Texas Ranger Sergeant Wade Harper (Robert Fuller): 2
Judd Weaver (Judson Mills): 2
Detective Baker (Pat Skipper): 1
Lieutenant Shell (Wren T. Brown): 1
Bank Robber #1 (Jim Henry): 1
Harley Barnes (Unknown Actor): 1
Billy Bob Jackson/Roberto Jaconi (James Martin Kelly): 1
Randy Delany (Blake Adams): 1
Harley Burtwell (Eric Cadora): 1
Randi Ruiz (Jameelah McMillian): 1
Al (Curtis Lupo): 1
Officer Blanchard (Unknown Actor): 1
Johnny “Zoom” Zubliski (Max Hartman): 1
Floyd (Unknown Actor): 1
Judge Abe Stiegler (Jerry Haynes): 1
Michael Viscardi (Jay Bontatibus): 1
Bolger (Todd Tesen): 1
Hendrick Rolfe (Ray Proscia): 1
Detective Roldan (Steve Shearer): 1
Piano Player (Clarence Gilyard Jr.): 1

[Corpse Breakdown]

Episode 1 “Home Of The Brave”: 5

Building demolition aftermath: 5
5 civilians’ bodies are seen covered in sheets having been crushed by rubble from the building caused by Holt’s furnace bomb

Episode 2 “Deadly Situation”: 6

Set- up: 1
Baker shoots Simms with a pistol

House takedown: 4
Gage shoots one of Winslow’s men with a pistol
Trivette shoots one of Winslow’s men with a pistol
Sydney shoots one of Winslow’s men with a pistol
Trivette shoots one of Winslow’s men with a pistol while running

Shell’s house: 1
Lieutenant Shell’s body is seen having hanged himself with rope

Episode 3 “White Buffalo”: 2

House takedown: 1
Gage and Sydney shoot one of Frazier’s men with pistols together (Shared)

“What part of drop ‘em don’t you understand?”: 1
Gage shoots one of Santiago’s men with a pistol in self-defense

Episode 4 “The Avenging Angel”: 2

Bank robbery: 1
Bank Robber #1 shoots a security guard with a sawed off shotgun

Wrestling match murder: 1
Harley cuts a fly wire with a knife causing Matt “Avenging Angel” Escobar to fall off of the fly wire to his death

Episode 5 “The Winds Of Change”: 11

“Why you dirty, rotten…”: 1
Billy Bob shoots DEA Agent Jed Lawson with a pistol

Building infiltration: 1
One of Cardoza’s men shoots a cop with a pistol

Assassination montage: 5
Lazarus blows up David Woods with a car bomb
Lazarus shoots an undercover agent with a silenced pistol
Lazarus shoots Larry Wagner with a silenced pistol
Lazarus pushes an undercover agent off of a roof to her death
Lazarus stabs an undercover agent in the back with a knife

Mansion takedown: 2
Gage shoots one of Cardoza’s men with a pistol
Sydney shoots one of Cardoza’s men with a pistol

Boat chase: 2
Trivette shoots one of Cardoza’s men driving the boat with a pistol
The boat crashes into a fuel tank caused by Trivette shooting the driver blowing up Alberto Cardoza (Trivette’s kill)

Episode 6 “Lazarus”: 3

“You think you ought to tell him?”: 1
Lonnie stabs Pete Williams in the stomach with a switchblade

“You call that cool?”: 1
Lazarus wraps his hands around a cop’s head then breaks his neck

House fight: 1
Rosetti shoots Lazarus with a pistol in self-defense

Episode 7 “Turning Point”: 4

“Yeah, well, what you don’t know will kill you”: 1
The Chairman shoots DOJ Agent Douglas with a pistol

Mansion takedown: 3
Trivette shoots one of Billy Bob’s men with a pistol
Rosetti shoots 2 of Billy Bob’s men with a pistol

Episode 8 “Retribution”: 7

Warehouse bust: 2
Trivette shoots one of DeSalvo’s men with a pistol
Rosetti shoots one of DeSalvo’s men with dual pistols

“The only gun you have to worry about is the one in your back”: 3
Walker shoots Frosty with a pistol in self-defense
Rosetti shoots Chau with a pistol in self-defense
Rosetti shoots Clay with a pistol in self-defense

Hotel: 1
Wallace Slausen/The Wizard dies from being shot in the stomach with a pistol by The Chairman

“I guess we’ll just have to stand here and wait”: 1
The Chairman detonates the timebomb activating it blowing himself up

Episode 9 “Child Of Hope”: 7

Home invasion: 2
Jake hits Oliver Winfield in the back of the head with a trophy bust killing him
Jake hits Mary Winfield in the back of the head with a trophy bust killing her

Trailer murder: 1
Jake stabs Steven “Steve” Parkins in the back with a switchblade

Chasing corky: 1
A truck driver unintentionally runs down Corky Randall with his truck

Street shootout: 1
Walker shoots Frank Jarrett with a pistol

Barn rescue: 2
Walker shoots Jake Horbart with a pistol
Walker shoots Lopez with a pistol

Episode 10 “Faith”: 4

Ambulance hijacking: 1
Randy shoots Paramedic Benton with a pistol

Car chase: 3
Dwight brakes the station wagon causing it to crash over a wagon of hay onto the ground and explode blowing up himself, Toby Burner and Randy Delany

Episode 11 “Golden Boy”: 2

Train accident aftermath: 2
Steve’s body is seen covered in a sheet having been run over by a train
A teenage girl’s body is covered in a sheet having been run over by a train

Episode 12 “Desperate Measures”: 5

Prison bus breakout: 1
Burtwell shoots the prison bus driver with a shotgun

“How many times does nine millimeter go into one bank manager?”: 1
Randi shoots the bank manager with a revolver and a pistol offscreen (Gunshot is heard, death is confirmed)

Bank takedown: 1
Walker shoots Dag Tisker with a pistol

Mansion rescue: 2
Sydney and Trivette shoot Marcus with pistols together (Shared)
Trivette shoots one of Garrett’s men with a pistol

Episode 14 “Saturday Night”: 1

Warehouse: 1
Al drops Ollie Olmedo into a vat of acid with a chain killing him

Episode 15 “Justice For All”: 2

“What do you want?!”: 1
Drayton shoots Otis Gainer with a pistol

Thomas’ house: 1
Sergeant Thomas’ body is seen having been shot in the side of the head with a pistol by Drayton

Episode 16 “6 Hours”: 10

Ceremony kidnapping: 2
Walker shoots one of McNeely’s men with a pistol
Sydney shoots one of McNeely’s men with a pistol while diving through the air

Parking garage: 1
McNeely shoots Dean in the side of the head with a pistol

“Why don’t you give me my money so I can get out of here?!”: 1
McNeely shoots one of his own men with a pistol

Convoy ambush: 4
Borla shoots a cop car with a LAW rocket launcher blowing up 2 cops and 2 of McNeely’s men in the backseat

“I’m the guy that’s going to be flying your plane”: 1
Borla strikes The Pilot in the face with his palm causing the nose bone to stab him in the brain killing him

Final fight: 1
Walker uses McNeely as a human shield causing him to be shot by his own shotgun trap (Shared)

Episode 17 “Medieval Crimes”: 1

Alley: 1
Blanchard shoots Curtis Pollard with a pistol in self-defense

Episode 18 “Legends”: 5

Parking garage hit: 1
Johnny runs down Connie Gibson with a car causing her to fly off of a parking garage structure to her death

“Gotta finish my job”: 1
Scaggs shoots Johnny “Zoom” Zubliski with a silenced pistol

Trailer murder: 1
Stiegler turns on a light switch causing the non-odorized propane places by Floyd to explode blowing him up (Shared)

Refinery: 1
Scaggs snipes one of Floyd’s men through the truck windshield

“Have a nice trip”: 1
Michael wraps a garrote wire around Dean Scaggs’ throat then strangles him to death

Episode 19 “Unsafe Speed”: 8

Truck accident: 3
Scranton (while high on meth) runs down a man with a big rig truck
Scranton (while high on meth) hits a minivan with a big truck truck blowing up a woman and a little girl

“Kill ‘em all”: 4
Bolger executes a meth cooker by shooting him with a pistol
Raptor gang members execute 3 meth cookers by shooting them with pistols

Hospital: 1
Boyd Scranton dies from crashing a big rig truck into a minivan

Episode 20 “Without A Sound”: 2

Parking lot: 2
Skull shoots Ted Moran with a pistol
Skull shoots Marilyn Elkins with a pistol

Episode 21 “Blood Diamonds”: 17*

“Sure, I’ll let him go”: 1
Texas Ranger James “Jimmy” Trivette Jr.’s body is seen hanging on a hook having been shot with a pistol by Drake

“Kill him!”: 2
Walker shoots 2 of Drake’s men with a pistol

“Come on!”: 1
Flint stabs Joseph Ileka in the stomach with a switchblade

“Hold it!”: 1
Flint shoots a cop with a pistol

Containing the virus: 1
Flint’s body is seen in a bodybag having died of Ebola virus

Box factory shootout part I: 2
Walker shoots one of Drake’s men in a window sil with a pistol
Walker shoots one of Drake’s men coming up a stairwell with a pistol

Hangar takedown: 3
Trivette shoots one of Abu’s men with a pistol
Sydney shoots one of Abu’s men with a pistol
Roldan shoots one of Abu’s men with a revolver

Box factory shootout part II: 5
Walker shoots one of Drake’s men with a pistol
Walker shoots one of Drake’s men with a pistol after getting off the phone
Walker shoots 2 of Drake’s men with a pistol
Walker throws paint thinner into a gas puddle then shoots it with a pistol blowing up one of Drake’s men

“You want your diamonds?!” “Go get them!”: 1
Drake, Rolfe and Drake’s men shoot Texas Ranger Sergeant Cordell Walker in the back with pistols and M4s together causing him to fall off of a roof to his death (Shared)

Episode 22 “The Reel Rangers”: 2

13 Coffins motorcycle chase #1: 1*
Sydney kicks a vampire biker’s motorcycle causing him to crash over a slide blowing him up

13 Coffins motorcycle chase #2: 1*
Sydney shoots a vampire biker’s motorcycle gas tank blowing him up

Episode 23 “The Final Showdown”: 34

Prison breakout: 8
One of Lovocat’s men shoots a guard tower with a helicopter’s missiles blowing up 2 prison guards
Lovocat shoots 3 prison guards with an AK-47
Lovocat shoots a prisoner with an AK-47
Lovocat shoots a prison guard on top of a guard tower with an AK-47
Lovocat hits a prisoner across the face with an AK-47 then shoots him

Courthouse: 1
Lovocat snipes Dan Jensen

Morgue: 1
C.D. Parker’s body is seen covered by a sheet having been poisoned with ricin by Lovocat

“That was a tough old man”: 4
One of Lovocat’s men shoots Betsy Harper in the back with an AK-47
Wade shoots 2 of Lovocat’s men with a pistol and a revolver dual handed
Lovocat’s men shoot Texas Ranger Wade Harper with AK-47s together (Shared)

“Allow me”: 2
Moon snipes Sheriff Rivers
Moon snipes a deputy

Ranch attack aftermath: 2
A prostitute’s scalp is seen having been scalped with a knife by Moon
Burt’s body is seen having been stabbed with a knife by Moon

Town showdown: 8
Cooper shoots Creed with a revolver
The Piano Player shoots one of Moon’s men with a shotgun
One of Moon’s men shoots The Piano Player with a revolver
Cooper shoots Cletus with dual revolvers
Weaver shoots one of Moon’s men with dual revolvers
Cooper shoots Aces with dual revolvers
Weaver shoots one of Moon’s men with a revolver
Cooper shoots one of Moon’s men with a revolver

“I cannot die!” “Bet me!”: 1
Cooper guns down Milos “Moon” Lovocat with dual revolvers

Warehouse takedown: 7
Walker throws a grenade into the warehouse through a window blowing up Schultz and sending one of Lovacat’s men out of a window to his death
Sydney shoots one of Lovocat’s men with a pistol
A Texas Ranger shoots one of Lovocat’s men with a pistol
Walker throws a grenade inside the warehouse through a window blowing up one of Lovocat’s men
Gage shoots Dollarhide with a pistol
Walker unpins a grenade on a belt blowing up Emile Lovocat

[The Unconfirmed And Uncounted]

-No kills in Episode 13
-All of the kills in Episode 21 occur in Alex’s imagination
-*Film-within-a-film kills in Episode 22
-Many beatdowns/knockouts but nothing fatal
-Many non-lethal gunshot wounds/injuries
-In Episode 1, 4 civilians are mentioned to have died from being crushed by rubble from the building caused by Holt’s bomb but 5 bodies are shown onscreen
-In Episode 2, Ranger Tom Cooper is mentioned to have died in the line of duty
-In Episode 3, Mr. Gentry is mentioned to have died of unknown causes
-In Episode 5, 19 undercover agents from various agencies are mentioned to have been killed by Lazarus
-In Episode 6, Sam Wong, Carolyn Wong and their unnamed son are mentioned to have been killed by Lazarus
-In Episode 7, Billy Bob is mentioned to have killed several cops in New York
-In Episode 8, DeSalvo’s men are mentioned to have killed 2 men in a computer chip hijacking
-In Episode 8, Joey T is mentioned to have killed 9 men
-In Episode 8, Nick is mentioned to have killed his own brother
-In Episode 8, Kane slashes Walker across the stomach with a knife but he survives
-In Episode 9, Steven’s parents are mentioned to have died of unknown causes
-In Episode 10, Mrs. Berry is mentioned to have died of a drug overdose
-In Episode 11, Luis and Marta Guerro are mentioned to have died in a car accident
-In Episode 11, 3 teenagers are mentioned to have been run over by a train but only 2 of their bodies are shown onscreen
-In Episode 12, Jane is mentioned to have killed 3 of her lovers
-In Episode 12, Griffin is mentioned to have shot his business partner to frame Laura
-In Episode 12, Laura’s lawyer is mentioned to have died in a car accident
-In Episode 12, Walt is mentioned to have been beaten to death by Victor
-In Episode 13, several Jackal gang members are mentioned to have died of unknown causes
-In Episode 14, 2 other gangsters are mentioned to have been dropped into a vat of acid by Al
-In Episode 15, Thomas is mentioned to have shot a junkie with a pistol
-In Episode 16, 4 of McNeely’s men are mentioned to have been killed by William’s rocket attack but only 2 are shown being killed onscreen
-In Episode 18, 5 civilians are mentioned to have been killed by Viscardi’s men
-In Episode 18, Johnny is mentioned to have run down a civilian with a car
-In Episode 19, 3 other families are mentioned to have been killed in truck accidents
-In Episode 20, 14 Los Diablos gang members are mentioned to have killed
-In Episode 23, 2 Texas Rangers are mentioned to have been killed on a mission to take down Lovocat
-In Episode 23, Lovocat is mentioned to have sniped several armored truck guards

[The Final Tally= 140]