Men In Black (1997) Body Count Breakdown

Men In Black (1997) Body Count Breakdown by Rorschach94 [CHARACTER KILLS] The Bug/”Edgar” (Vincent D’Onofrio): 7 Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones): 1 Laurel Weaver (Linda Fiorentino): 1 [CORPSE BREAKDOWN] Illegal Aliens: 1 -K shoots Mikey Chase: 1 -The alien assassin throws himself off a roof Farm: 1 -The Bug skins the real Edgar alive and … Read moreMen In Black (1997) Body Count Breakdown

Hancock (2008) Body Count Breakdown

Hancock (2008) [Unrated] Body Count Breakdown by Gregglop09 [CHARACTER KILLS] John Hancock (Will Smith): 12 Ray Embrey (Jason Bateman): 1 [CORPSE BREAKDOWN] Opening: 5 -Hancock knocks down a sign, which causes 2 cop cars to flip over and crash, killing both drivers -Hancock throws down the asian gangster’s van onto a large spike at full … Read moreHancock (2008) Body Count Breakdown