Friday Night Movie Night: No Retreat No Surrender

Tonight’s feature is one of my favorite bad movies of all time, the amazing Karate Kid knock-off No Retreat No Surrender.  After school special-level acting and an amazing and hammy villainous role from none other than Jean-Claude Van Damme himself.  This is my own version of the film.  I hope you enjoy it! No Retreat … Read moreFriday Night Movie Night: No Retreat No Surrender

10 Biggest Turkeys Of 2014

10 Biggest Turkeys Of 2014 by H83tr3d *Editor’s note: This was a fun submission, coming from AOBG forum user H83tr3d.  I haven’t seen half of these and probably still won’t.  Here’s to 2014’s biggest stinkers. ______________________________________________________________________________ Well, it’s been a great year for movies and overall left a fine impression on yours truly. Sadly, there … Read more10 Biggest Turkeys Of 2014

AOBG 250 Greatest Action Films Of All Time

What makes a great Action Movie?  Is it style? Clarity of the choreography? The power of the explosions? How about the charisma of our leads?  Perhaps it is a combination of all of these elements and more. We’ve been dedicated to finding out the best of the best for years, but it ultimately comes down … Read moreAOBG 250 Greatest Action Films Of All Time

Expendables and PG-13: Dancing With Inevitability

Look at that banner image.  Would you just look at it?  Damn.  These movies are going to have to seriously start culling some of the cast or their just going to be a series of walk-on cameos with a soundtrack of gunshots, explosions, and stock punching and kicking sounds.  But examining that picture, one gets … Read moreExpendables and PG-13: Dancing With Inevitability