Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023) Killcount and Body Count Breakdown

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023) Killcount by Japeth321

Starring Harrison Ford, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, and Boyd Holbrook

Holbrook kills 16
Ford kills 14
Waller-Bridge kills 7

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny rights held by Disney.

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023) Body Count Breakdown by Longuecarabine

[Character Kills]

Klaber (Boyd Holbrook): 16
Professor Henry “Indiana” Jones Jr. (Harrison Ford/Anthony Ingruber*): 14
Dr. Helena Shaw (Phoebe Waller-Bridge/Holly Lawton): 7
Hauke (Olivier Richters): 3
Maximus (Mauro Cardinale): 3
Dr. Jürgen Voller/Dr. Schmidt (Mads Mikkelsen): 1
Dr. Basil Shaw (Toby Jones): 1
Teddy Kumar (Ethann Isidore): 1
Archimedes Servant 1 (Eduardo Strano): 1
Archimedes Servant 2 (Angelo Spagnetti): 1

[Corpse Breakdown]

“To the victor go the spoils!”: 41
An American plane drops a bomb into the castle which detonates, blowing up six German soldiers
Indy rams a motorcycle into the cliff wall crushing two German soldiers
Indy throws a German soldier onto the road causing him to be run over
Indy puts a helmet on the gas pedal and sets it to drive, causing the car to crash, flip, and explode blowing up two German officers in the back
Indy positions the motorcycle so the sidecar is in front of a tree when it crashes killing a German soldier
Indy throws two German soldiers off the train
Indy kicks a German soldier off the train
An American plane shoots the AA gun blowing up two German soldiers
The damaged AA gun fires off cooked ammunition, shooting 21 German soldiers
Basil shoots Colonel Weber and Indy kicks him off the train (shared)
An American plane shoots the train engine blowing up the driver and fireman

Indy’s Apartment: 1
A photo of Henry “Mutt” Williams shown killed in Vietnam

Reuniting with Helena: 1
A photo of Basil Shaw shown died in 1951

“Hell no, we won’t go!”: 3
Klaber shoots Mandy
Hauke shoots Plimpton
One of Voller’s men shoots a taxi driver offscreen

Tangier(s): 5
An Algerian mobster crashes into a fruitstand
Helena punches an Algerian mobster causing him to hit the road headfirst
Helena hits a wagon of sticks with a Tuk-tuk causing them to stab an Algerian mobster in the head
Indy kicks Hauke’s gun forcing him to shoot an Algerian mobster
Indy throws one of Voller’s men onto the road

“My name is Jürgen Voller”: 2
Klaber kicks a CIA agent out of the plane
Klaber shoots Agent Mason
Aegean Sea: 4
Klaber cuts Popeye’s line with a knife causing him to drown
Hector and a deckhand shown dead, killed by Klaber and Hauke (one each)
Voller shoots Renaldo

Ear of Dionysius: 3
Teddy handcuffs Hauke to a grate and leaves him to drown
Indy shoots one of Voller’s men
A ticket seller shown dead, shot by Klaber

Airfield: 1
One of Voller’s men shoots a guard

“But it sure as hell ain’t 1939!” 64
Sicilian catapults shoot two triremes blowing up 38 sailors
A Roman trireme shoots a missile at a Sicilian catapult blowing up a crewman
A Roman trireme shoots the navigator with a ballista bolt
A Roman trireme shoots one of Voller’s men with a ballista bolt
Helena opens up the plane’s bay doors causing five of Voller’s men to fall out the plane
Indy shoots one of Voller’s men
A Roman soldier shoots the pilot with a ballista
Klaber shoots nine Roman soldiers and a Sicilian soldier
The plane crashes due to getting shot with ballistae blowing up Voller and Klaber
Maximus cuts down three Sicilian soldiers
Archimedes’ servants shoot Maximus

[The Unconfirmed And Uncounted]

Voller gets hit in the face with a spigot from a water tower at high speed but survives
Klaber punches out a motorcycle cop
Hauke knocks out two CIA agents

[The Final Tally= 125]

*Anthony Ingruber serves as body double for Harrison Ford