Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014) Body Count Breakdown

Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014) Body Count Breakdown by Longuecarabine


Richmond Valentine (Samuel L. Jackson): 1,268
Merlin (Mark Strong): 232
Harry Hart/Agent Galahad I (Colin Firth): 61
Gary “Eggsy” Unwin/Agent Galahad II (Taron Egerton): 28
James Spencer/Agent Lancelot (Jack Davenport): 6
Gazelle (Sofia Boutella): 3
Lee Unwin (Jonno Davies): 2
Terrorist #1 (Adrian Quinton): 2
Chester King/Arthur (Michael Caine): 1
The Church Leader (Corey Johnson): 1


Middle East, 1997: 4
James and Lee shoot 2 terrorists (1 kill for James and Lee)
Lee throws himself at Terrorist #1 who pulled a pin out of a grenade blowing them both up (Shared)

“I suppose asking to borrow a cup of sugar is a step too far”: 6
Lancelot shoots Big Goon
Lancelot shoots 3 of Big Goon’s men in their heads
Lancelot shoots Red in the head
Gazelle cuts Lancelot in half with one of her sword legs

Briefing: 67
57 Ugandans bodies are seen in a photo killed by Valentine
10 Chechens bodies are seen in a photo killed by Valentine

“Man up!”: 3
Harry slaps Professor Arnold in the face which accidentally causes his implant to make his head explode
Harry blows up 2 of Valentine’s men with an explosive lighter

Valentine’s Mansion: 2
Gazelle cuts one of Princess Tilde’s bodyguard’s throat with one of her sword legs
Gazelle stabs one of Princess Tilde’s bodyguard’s in the head with one of her sword legs

Free Bird: 140
Harry whilst being controlled by Valentine shoots a Church member in the head (Shared)
Harry whilst being controlled by Valentine shoots 17 Church members (Shared)
Harry whilst being controlled by Valentine stabs a Church member with a piece of spiked wood (Shared)
Harry whilst being controlled by Valentine bashes a Church member in the neck with his gun (Shared) Harry whilst being controlled by Valentine throws a Church member across the church killing him (Shared)
Harry whilst being controlled by Valentine breaks a Church member’s neck (Shared)
Harry whilst being controlled by Valentine uses a Church member as a human shield who is then stabbed with a piece of spiked wood by another Church member who is being controlled by Valentine (Shared)
Harry whilst being controlled by Valentine strangles a Church member with his arm (Shared)
Harry whilst being controlled by Valentine hits 2 Church member’s in their faces with a brazier killing them (Shared)
Harry whilst being controlled by Valentine stabs 4 Church member’s with a knife (Shared)
Harry whilst being controlled by Valentine beats a Church member to death with his bare hands and is then pushed out of a window by another Church member who is being controlled by Valentine (Shared)
Harry whilst being controlled by Valentine sets a Church member’s head on fire with his lighter gadget and uses him as a human shield as he is shot by another Church member who is being controlled by Valentine (Shared)
Harry whilst being controlled by Valentine shoots a Church member (Shared)
Harry whilst being controlled by Valentine breaks a Church member’s neck (Shared)
Harry whilst being controlled by Valentine shoots a Church member (Shared)
Harry whilst being controlled by Valentine shoots 4 Church member’s (Shared)
Harry whilst being controlled by Valentine impales 3 Church member’s with a pole (Shared)
Harry whilst being controlled by Valentine electrocutes a Church member with his ring then throws him into a wall breaking his neck and spine (Shared)
Harry whilst being controlled by Valentine puts his explosive lighter into a Church member’s pocket which blows up 2 Church member’s (Shared)
Harry whilst being controlled by Valentine pulls an axe out of a Church member (Shared)
Harry whilst being controlled by Valentine hits a Church member in her neck with an axe (Shared)
Harry whilst being controlled by Valentine stabs a Church member with a knife (Shared)
Harry whilst being controlled by Valentine shoots a Church member (Shared)
Harry whilst being controlled by Valentine stabs a Church member with a knife (Shared)
Harry whilst being controlled by Valentine shoots a Church member (Shared)
Harry whilst being controlled by Valentine stabs 5 Church member’s with a knife/gun and gun barrel (Shared)
The Church Leader whilst being controlled by Valentine beats a Church member to death in the background with a stand (Shared)
Harry whilst being controlled by Valentine impales The Church Leader’s head with a sharp wooden stick (Shared)
83 Church member’s bodies are seen killed each other whilst being controlled by Valentine (Shared)

“Well this ain’t that kind of movie”: 1
Valentine shoots Harry in the eye (Comes back to life)

Betrayal: 1
Arthur poisons a glass of whiskey and Eggsy switches the glasses then Arthur activates the poison with his pen gadget causing Arthur to poison himself (Shared)

Valentine’s Base: 256
Eggsy shoots 16 of Valentine’s men
Merlin shoots 5 of Valentine’s men
Eggsy shoots 2 of Valentine’s men
Eggsy blows up 5 of Valentine’s men
Eggsy shoots 2 of Valentine’s men
Merlin activates the implants blowing up 54 of Valentine’s men’s heads, 172 VIP’s heads and Swedish Prime Minister Martin Lindstrom’s head

V-Day: 1,059
A bus driver whilst being controlled by Valentine runs over 6 civilian’s with a bus (Shared)
2 civilian’s are thrown out of windows by other civilian’s whilst being controlled by Valentine (Shared)
37 civilian’s bodies are seen in London killed by other civilians whilst being controlled by Valentine (Shared)
196 civilian’s bodies are seen in Rio De Janeiro killed by other civilians whilst being controlled by Valentine (Shared)
406 civilian’s bodies are seen in a baseball stadium killed by other civilians whilst being controlled by Valentine (Shared)
A baseball player whilst being controlled by Valentine beats a civilian to death with a baseball bat (Shared)
411 civilian’s bodies are seen killed by other civilians whilst being controlled by Valentine (Shared)

“This ain’t that kind of movie bruv”: 2
Eggsy cuts Gazelle’s arm with his poisoned shoe blade killing her
Valentine dies from having one of Gazelle’s sword legs thrown into his back by Eggsy



Harry keeps his dog Mr Pickle on display in his house
Valentine’s signal caused an unknown amount of destruction around the globe
Charlie Hesketh is believed dead after Merlin detonates the implants but he survives into the next film