BCB: Once Upon A Time In China

Once Upon A Time In China [Wong Fei Hung] (1991) Body Count Breakdown by luvmetender009


Wong Fei-hung (Jet Li) – 2
Leung Fu (Yuen Biao) – 1
Aunt Yee (Rosamund Kwan) – 1
Tiger (Steve Tartalia) – 1
Iron Robe Yim (Yee Kwan Yan) -1


Opera – 23
-Thugs stabs 4 Imperial soldiers
-Foreign soldiers shoots 12 innocent people
-Imperial soldiers shoots 5 thugs
-Yee shoots 1 thug
-Tiger shoots the priest

The Challenge – 1
-Yim tears out Yue’s throat

Gate – 1
-Old man shot by thugs

Warehouse – 1
-1 thug accidentally kills another when his pistol misfires
-Fei Hung kills at least 1 thug (in addition to around 30 others he beats up)

“Our Fight is Not Finished Yet!!!” – 1
-Yim is shot by American soldiers

Brig – 1
-Leung hangs Tiger with a length of rope

Lower Deck – 2
-The rapist was thrown into a boiler by his captives
-Fei Hung delivers a bullet into Jackson’s forehead with his fingers


-Fei Hung, Leung Fu and Butcher Wing each beat the crap out of nearly a hundred bad guys in over a dozen lengthy, awesome fight scenes.
-Fei Hung turns the Americans’ cannons back upon themselves, blowing up the brig of their ship but no deaths are seen.