Sudden Impact (1983)
Starring Clint Eastwood
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Eastwood kills 14
Sudden Impact rights held by Warner Bros.
Sudden Impact (1983) Body Count Breakdown by ASHPD24
(Previously done by Bodycountman)
Inspector Harry Callahan (Clint Eastwood): 14
Jennifer Spencer (Sondra Locke): 4
Mick (Paul Drake): 2
Car: 1
-Jennifer shoots George Wilburn
“Go ahead, make my day!”: 3
-Harry shoots 3 thugs
Restaurant: 1
-Harry causes Threlkis to die from a heart attack
Skyway: 3
-Harry shoots 3 hitmen
Pier: 3
-Harry sets fire to Hawkins’ car with a Molotov cocktail and causes him to drive into the water, killing Hawkins and his 2 accomplices in the car
Beach: 1
-Jennifer shoots Kruger
Apartment: 1
-Harry shoots 1 hitman
Garage: 1
-Jennifer shoots Tyrone
House: 1
-Jennifer shoots Ray
“Old times”: 1
-Mick shoots Chief Jannings
Motel: 1
-Horace shown with his throat cut by Mick
“That’s not a bad idea, is it?”: 3
-Harry shoots Carl
-Harry shoots Eddie
-Harry shoots Mick, causing him to fall off the bridge and be impaled on a ride