Operation Delta Force 3: Clear Target (1999) Body Count Breakdown

Operation Delta Force 3: Clear Target (1999) Body Count Breakdown by ArnoldVoslooT800


Capt. Skip Lang (Jim Fitzpatrick): 25
Sparks (Gavin Hood): 10


Opening: 33
-Delta team blows up 4
-Sparks kills 2 with his gatling gun
-Lang breaks the neck of a guard (on bathroom break)
-Lang & Co. kill 9
-Delta members blow up/shoot 6
-Lang, Sparks & gang kill 6
-Lang shoots another on a hill
-Sparks & teammate kill 2
-Lang throws a knife at one
-A Delta member dies from a laser-rigged bomb

U.S.S. Roosevelt: 32
-Assassins kill 32 with poisonous gas and machine guns

Train Ambush/Venezuela-Columbia Border: 37
-Delta team members kills 31 (two are offscreen and only two groans are heard; three others are in a helicopter gunship)
-Gorillas kill three of their own by accident with grenade launcher
-Lang kills 3

Columbian Compound: 5
-Delta team kills 3
-Lang kills 2

New York City/U.S.S. Roosevelt: 12
-Lang slams a door against a guy and then shoots him
-8 dead bodies of crewmen seen (they looked completely different so I’m counting it)
-Delta crew kills 2
-Lang kills a baddie with his own explosive