Walker, Texas Ranger: Trial By Fire (2005) Body Count Breakdown

Season 9

Walker, Texas Ranger: Trial By Fire (2005) Body Count Breakdown by Gregglop09

[Character Kills]

Kwon (Ilram Choi): 3
Texas Ranger Captain Cordell Walker (Chuck Norris): 2
Texas Ranger Rhett Harper (Andre Kristoff): 2
Texas Ranger Kay Austin (Janine Turner): 2
Garrett Evans (Ned Vaughn): 2
Derek Gibbs (Marshall R. Teague): 1
Rhee (Arnold Chon): 1
Blue Eye (Bruce Locke): 1
Texas Ranger Francis Gage (Judson Mills): 1

[Corpse Breakdown]

Bank robbery: 3
Harper shoots a bank robber with a pistol
Harper shoots Donnie Gibbs with a pistol
Derek shoots a cop with an AK-47

“We will”: 1
Rhee kicks Aaron Gordon off of a parking garage structure to his death

“You go to hell!”: 1
Kwon roundhouse kicks Adam Hopkins head-first onto a glass coffee table

Park murder aftermath: 1
Dee Dee Michaels’ body is seen having been strangled by Garrett

Lawn ambush: 2
Kwon forces a cop to gun down another cop with a pistol (Shared)
Kwon shoots the cop he took as a human shield with a pistol

Restaurant fight: 1
Walker guns down Rhee with a pistol

“My dear leader has other plans”: 1
Blue Eye puts Reed Larkin in a chokehold then breaks his neck

Park rescue: 2
Kay shoots Kwon as he’s drowning her in a fountain with a pistol
Walker flips Blue Eye into the air causing him to hit a tree branch breaking his back

House murder flashback: 1
Garrett hits Scott Brinkman in the head with a baseball bat

“Harper!”: 1
Gage and Kay gun down Derek Gibbs with pistols together (Shared)

[The Unconfirmed And Uncounted]

-Many beatdowns/knockouts but nothing fatal
-Charlene Evans is mentioned to have killed herself
-Derek shoots Harper in the shoulder with a pistol but he survives
-Derek unintentionally shoots Alex in the chest in his death spasms with a pistol but it is unknown if she lives or dies

[The Final Tally= 14]