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Walker, Texas Ranger Season 8 (1999-2000) Body Count Breakdown by Gregglop09
[Character Kills]
Texas Ranger Sergeant Cordell Walker (Chuck Norris): 28
Texas Ranger Sergeant James “Jimmy” Trivette Jr. (Clarence Gilyard Jr.): 19
Texas Ranger Sydney “Syd” Cooke (Nia Peeples): 11
Michael Westmoreland (Tony Denison): 11
The Bear (Brody The Bear): 9
Texas Ranger Francis Gage (Judson Mills): 8
Gazal (Adoni Maropis): 6
Security Chief Becker (Jude Ciccolella): 6
Billy Lo (Bruce Locke): 5
Ron Mott (Matthew Posey): 4
Deidre Harris (Joan Jett): 4
Dirk “The Hammer” Savage (Frank Shamrock): 3
Johnny Tang (Al Goto): 3
Slate (Michael H. Moss): 2
The Sniper (George Marshall Ruge): 2
Lester Rawlins (Patrick St. Esprit): 2
Deke Southern (Eric Scott): 2
P.K. Song (Byron Mann): 2
Cruz Ortega (Geoffrey Rivas): 2
Nash (Jesse De Luna): 1
Jason Talbot (Christopter Wynne): 1
Lester Stahl (Rex Linn): 1
Deputy Sheriff Grimes (Boots Southerland): 1
Ringo Washburn (Rick Cramer): 1
Mercenary #1 (Gene Hartline): 1
Rico Castillo (Vic Polizos): 1
Whitelaw Lundren (Randy Savage): 1
Sandrine (Lennie Loftin): 1
Henry Monroe (Paul Robert Langdon): 1
Lorenzo Cabral (Steven Bauer): 1
Rader (Jerome Butler): 1
Waylon Cox Sr. (Jon Cypher): 1
Waylon Cox Jr. (Unknown Actor): 1
Alexander “Spike” Riley (Steve Kelso): 1
Krebs (John McCalmont): 1
Nor (Hank Baumert): 1
Cliff Eagleton (David Keith): 1
Travis Braxton (Judson Scott): 1
Travis (Gary Graham): 1
Stinger Man #1 (Jack Martin): 1
[Corpse Breakdown]
Episode 1 “In Harm’s Way (Part II)”: 5
Woods search: 3
A mercenary unintentionally triggers a trap set by Walker causing a stick to launch into and stab him in the chest killing him (Shared)
Walker shoots a mercenary with a pistol
Slate and Nash unintentionally shoot an unconscious mercenary with M4s together while shooting at Walker (Shared)
Rescuing Alex: 1
Walker blows up Morton with a grenade
“Let’s move out”: 1
Slate shoots Davis with a pistol
Episode 2 “Countdown”: 1
Interrogation: 1
Talbot swallows a cyanide pill poisoning himself
Episode 3 “Safe House”: 8
Murder flashback: 1
The witness’ body is seen covered in a sheet having been thrown off of a building to his death by one of Termin’s men
“Kill them all!”: 4
One of Termin’s men shoots a state trooper with an AK-47
A state trooper shoots one of Termin’s men with a pistol
One of Termin’s men shoots a state trooper with an AK-47
Sydney and Gage shoot one of Termin’s men with pistols together (Shared)
Freeway rescue: 2
Walker shoots one of Termin’s men hanging out of a helicopter with a pistol
Trivette shoots one of Termin’s men hanging out of a helicopter with a pistol
Bridge fight: 1
Walker kicks Scully off of a bridge and into the water drowning him
Episode 4 “Way Of The Warrior”: 6
“Is that a fact?”: 1
Lester hits Steve Darby in the back of the head with a tomahawk
Swamp standoff: 1
Walker shoots a posse member with a pistol in self-defense
Stagecoach ambush massacre flashback: 4
Grimes shoots a Pinketon agent with a revolver
Apache tribesmen shoot 2 Pinkerton agents with arrows
An Apache tribeswoman shoots a deputy with an arrow
Episode 5 “Tall Cotton”: 5
Apartment: 1
A mob boss’ body is seen in a picture having been shot in the head with a pistol by one of Ronson’s men
Farmhouse takedown: 4
Trivette shoots one of Ronson’s men with a pistol
Trivette and Sydney shoot one of Ronson’s men with pistols together (Shared)
Trivette shoots one of Ronson’s men with a pistol
Sydney shoots one of Ronson’s men with a pistol
Episode 6 “The Lynn Sisters”: 8
Office bombing: 1
Ringo’s bomb blows up the offices blowing up Helen
Road kidnapping: 3
The Sniper snipes a crew member
The Sniper snipes the bus driver
Mercenary #1 shoots Frank with a revolver
Compound takedown: 4
Trivette shoots one of Stephan’s men with a pistol
Sydney shoots one of Stephan’s men with a pistol
Gage shoots one of Stephan’s men with a pistol while diving through the air
Sydney shoots one of Stephan’s men with a pistol
Episode 7 “Suspicious Minds”: 11
Warehouse bust: 7
Walker shoots one of Tantero’s men with a pistol
Trivette shoots 2 of Tantero’s men with a pistol
Walker shoots one of Tantero’s men with a pistol
A cop shoots one of Tantero’s men with a shotgun
Trivette shoots one of Tantero’s men with a pistol
Walker shoots one of Tantero’s men on top of a railing with a pistol causing him to fall to his death
Deal: 1
Walker shoots Javier Escuela with a pistol in self-defense
Construction site murder: 1
Rico shoots Georgie with a pistol
Attempted drive-by: 2
Gage shoots the trunk to a car with a pistol igniting the gas tank causing it to crash into a parked car and explode incinerating Danny and Chico
Episode 8 “Widow Maker”: 2
Rodeo fight: 1
Trivette flips Buddy Crowder into a trough of water causing him to land on his own switchblade stabbing him in the heart
“You’re dead, Walker!”: 1
Walker shoots Ben Crowder with a pistol in self-defense
Episode 9 “Fight Or Die”: 4
Copperhead Maximum Security Prison, Arkansas: 2
Hammer puts a fighter in a stranglehold then strangles him to death
Hammer puts Holland in a headlock then breaks his neck
Cage fight: 1
Hammer kicks Tom Munger hard in the head killing him (Death is confirmed by a doctor)
“Kill him!”: 1
Lundren grabs Sandrine as he’s about to shoot Walker causing him to unintentionally shoot Dirk “The Hammer” Savage with a shotgun (Shared)
Episode 10 “Rise To The Occasion”: 2
“No!”: 1
Henry jumps off of a roof to his death
“Sit down”: 1
Lorenzo shoots Eduardo with a pistol
Episode 11 “Full Recovery”: 3
Attempted escape: 1
Rader shoots Bradley Roberts in the back with a pistol
Cox Genetics: 2
Waylon Cox Sr.’s body is seen having shot himself in the side of the head with a revolver
Waylon Cox Jr. is seen in a picture having shot himself in the side of the head with a pistol
Episode 12 “A Matter Of Faith”: 1
Bank robbery standoff: 1
Sydney and Gage shoot one of Watson’s men with pistols together (Shared)
Episode 13 “Vision Quest”: 6
Bathroom murder aftermath: 1
Hicks’ body is seen having had his throat cut with a knife by Gazal
Convoy ambush: 5
Gazal shoots a LAW rocket launcher at a van incinerating Clint, 2 of Aziz’s men and 2 Texas Rangers
Episode 14 “A Matter Of Principle”: 10
Jewelry store robbery #1: 2
Rawlins shoots the owner with a pistol for sounding the alarm
Krebs shoots a security guard with a pistol
Jewelry store robbery #2: 3
Rawlins shoots a security guard with a pistol
2 civilians’ bodies are seen having been shot with assault rifles by Rawlins’ men
Car chase: 1
Spike unintentionally drives his car over a gas tank truck causing it to flip over and crash killing himself
Jewelry store takedown: 3
Trivette shoots one of Rawlins’ men with a pistol
Sydney shoots 2 of Rawlins’ men with a pistol
Episode 15 “Thunderhawk”: 12
Parking lot shootout: 1
Gage shoots Arthur Johnson with a pistol
Convoy ambush: 2
One of Becker’s men shoots a LAW rocket launcher at an SUV incinerating 2 of LaMarr’s men
“I believe you’re right”: 1
Becker shoots Jeffries in the side with a pistol
“Get ‘em!”: 1
Deke shoots one of Becker’s men with a pistol
“Here you go!”: 1
Deke blows up one of Becker’s men with a grenade
“You think I’m kidding?”: 1
Becker shoots Sam with a pistol
“And you messed with the wrong guy”: 4
Becker uses the Thunderhawk weapon to level the warehouse with its soundwaves causing the roof to collapse onto Deke Southern and 3 Cowboy gang members crushing them
“You damn right I have a problem with that!”: 1
Nor stabs Assistant Security Chief James Jackson in the stomach with a cane knife
Episode 16 “Justice Delayed”: 2
Woods ambush: 2
Trivette shoots Freddy with a pistol
Trivette shoots Sal with a pistol
Episode 17 “The Day Of Cleansing”: 6
Convoy ambush: 4
Mott snipes 3 U.S. Marshals in the car
Eagleton shoots U.S. Marshal Fescus with a pistol
Zoo: 1
Benny Tumwater’s body is seen having been sniped by Mott
Street standoff: 1
Walker shoots Cliff Eagleton with a pistol in self-defense
Episode 18 “Black Dragons”: 11
Street murder: 1
P.K. shoots Manny with a pistol
Apartment murder: 1
Black Dragons throw Laurie Chang off of a rooftop to her death together (Shared)
“Where are they going?”: 2
2 Black Dragons jump off of a roof to their deaths
Office: 2
2 teenagers’ bodies are seen in pictures having overdosed on black dot heroin
“Fine, mister”: 1
P.K. puts the Custom Official in a headlock then breaks his neck
Mansion takedown: 4
Walker shoots a Black Dragon with a pistol
Trivette shoots a Black Dragon with a pistol
Walker shoots a Black Dragon with a pistol
Trivette puts Luke Warley in a headlock then breaks his neck
Episode 19 “Soldiers Of Hate”: 4
Fallbrook, Idaho: 1
Soldiers of the New Millennium members execute Judge Wendell Winters by shooting him with M4s together (Shared)
“Well, your assignment is over”: 1
Braxton shoots FBI Special Agent Paul Westfall in the back with a pistol while he’s sitting on a couch
Jail execution: 2
An Aryan Resistance member stabs Tom Reece in the stomach with a shiv
An Aryan Resistance member stabs a Soldier of the New Millennium member in the stomach with a shiv
Episode 20 “The General’s Return”: 20
“I was lying but now I know”: 1
Billy puts Detective Steven Nimh in a headlock then breaks his neck
Prison parking lot ambush: 4
Tang shoots a van with a rocket launcher incinerating Henry Ben, John Chow and William Vu
Sydney shoots Johnny Tang in the back with a pistol as he’s trying to escape in a van
“I’ve decided not to give you my guns, just my bullets”: 1
Billy shoots Lester Stone with a pistol
“Tough luck, guys, you picked the wrong boss”: 2
Billy’s men shoot 2 of Stone’s men with pistols
Warehouse takedown: 12
Trivette shoots one of Billy’s men with a pistol
Walker shoots one of Billy’s men with a pistol
Trivette and Walker shoot one of Billy’s men with pistols together (Shared)
Walker shoots one of Billy’s men with a pistol while running
Billy shoots a van with a rocket launcher blowing up 3 SWAT officers near it
Trivette shoots one of Billy’s men with a pistol
Sydney shoots one of Billy’s men with a pistol
Trivette shoots one of Billy’s men with a pistol
A SWAT officer shoots one of Billy’s men with an M4
Gage shoots one of Billy’s men with a pistol
Episode 21 “Showdown At Casa Diablo (Part I)”: 9
“Say goodbye, Lucia!”: 1
Cruz throws a knife into Lucia’s chest
Betrayal: 1
Travis shoots Jake Foley with a pistol
“Now it’s three against five” “Now we have a chance”: 3
Walker shoots one of Ramon’s men with a pistol
Gage shoots one of Ramon’s men with a pistol
Trivette shoots one of Ramon’s men with a pistol
Convoy ambush: 4
Stinger Man #1 shoots an SUV with a LAW rocket launcher incinerating a Federale
One of Cruz’s men shoots a car with a LAW rocket launcher incinerating a Federale
One of Cruz’s men shoots The Driver with a machine gun
One of Cruz’s men shoots a bodyguard with a machine gun
Episode 22 “Showdown At Casa Diablo (Part II)”: 10
Horse chase: 3
Walker shoots one of Cruz’s men in the back of a jeep with a revolver
Walker shoots one of Cruz’s men in the jeep with a revolver
The jeep flips over and crashes caused by Walker shooting one of Cruz’ men killing Paco (Walker’s kill)
“I don’t give a damn who the hell..”: 1
Cruz stabs Jack Palermo in the stomach with a knife
Compound rescue: 5
Walker blows up 2 of Cruz’s men with grenades
Walker shoots one of Cruz’s men with a revolver
Trivette shoots Frank with a pistol in self-defense
Sydney shoots Ramon Ortega with a pistol in self-defense
“Not as long as I have”: 1
Walker throws a knife into Cruz Ortega’s chest
Episode 23 “The Bachelor Party”: 9
Helicopter zone: 1
The Bear mauls Ranger Pilot Chris to death
“Kill him”: 8
The Bear pounces on one of Slocum’s men killing him
The Bear mauls one of Slocum’s men to death
Amos’ body is seen having been mauled to death by The Bear
The Bear bites into Craig’s arm and rips it off offscreen leaving him to bleed out
The Bear claws one of Slocum’s men in the back killing him
The Bear claws Frank in the chest killing him
The Bear drags away and mauls one of Slocum’s men to death offscreen (Scream is heard)
The Bear claws one of Slocum’s men to death offscreen (Scream is heard)
Episode 24 “Wedding Bells”: 19
Hotel: 6
6 targets are seen in pictures having been stabbed in the chest with an ice knife by Michael and Diedre (3 for Michael, 3 for Diedre)
“Pretty, isn’t she?”: 1
Michael stabs a target in the chest with an ice knife
“I like it, too”: 1
Michael stabs Councilman Bolton Cunningham in the back with an ice knife
Assassination attempt: 3
Walker shoots Jack Larson with a revolver
Walker shoots Jim Casey with a revolver
Walker shoots Teddy Gates (Richard Norton) with a revolver in self-defense
Parking garage murder: 1
Diedre stabs Jasmine Keefe in the chest with an ice knife
Alley murder aftermath: 1
An accountant’s body is seen having been stabbed in the chest with an ice knife by Michael
Morgue: 1
Wilfred Brooks’ body is seen covered in a sheet having been stabbed in the chest with an ice knife by Michael
“I don’t need him”: 1
Walker throws Diedre Harris across a coffee table and onto the ground causing her to land on her own ice knife stabbing her in the heart
Bathroom: 1
Michael wraps his hands around Stephan’s head then breaks his neck
“And there’s nothing you can do to stop it”: 1
Walker forces Michael to shoot himself through the chest with his own silenced pistol (Shared)
Landing the plane: 2
The co-pilot’s body is seen by a seat having died from being shot in the back through the cabin doors with a silenced pistol by Michael
The pilot’s body is seen in the cockpit having been shot in the back through the cabin doors with a silenced pistol by Michael
[The Unconfirmed And Uncounted]
-Many beatdowns/knockouts but nothing fatal
-Many non-lethal gunshot wounds/injuries
-In Episode 1, Slate shoots Walker in the back of the shoulder with an M4 but he survives
-In Episode 5, Mr. and Mrs. Gage are mentioned to have died in a car accident
-In Episode 6, Ringo is mentioned to have blown up a civilian with a bomb
-In Episode 9, Hammer is mentioned to have killed 2 additional fighters in the ring
-In Episode 11, several soldiers are mentioned to have died during a live fire exercise under Waylon Jr.’s command
-In Episode 12, several security guards are seen motionless during the bank robbery but they were only knocked unconscious by Watson’s men
-In Episode 13, 4 of Aziz’s men are mentioned to have been incinerated in the van explosion during the convoy ambush but only 3 were seen being loaded into the van beforehand
-In Episode 14, a little boy is mentioned to have been shot in the crossfire between Wade and bank robbers
-In Episode 14, a parolee using the nickname Spike is mentioned to have died of unknown causes
-In Episode 15, 6 security guards are mentioned to have been killed by Deke and the Cowboy gang members during their warehouse robberies
-In Episode 16, Franklin is mentioned to have beaten Davis to death with a wrench
-In Episode 16, Mrs. Carter is mentioned to have died of unknown causes
-In Episode 16, a prisoner is mentioned to have died in prison of unknown causes
-In Episode 22, Maria mentions Cruz killing her father in their village
-In Episode 17, 3 Dallas police officers and Ranger Forester are mentioned to have been shot by Eagleton’s men and Mott
-In Episode 18, Rusty is mentioned have killed a man
-In Episode 19, one of J.J.’s friends is mentioned to have died from being shot with a pistol by Montalto
-In Episode 23, The Bear eats a deer offscreen but since it’s an animal, it doesn’t count
-In Episode 23, The Bear is mentioned to have killed several fishermen
-In Episode 23, Walker shoots The Bear with a hunting rifle but since it’s an animal, it doesn’t count
-In Episode 24, Westmoreland is mentioned to have killed Juan Martinez in his SUV