Tiger On The Beat 2 (1990) Body Count Breakdown

Tiger On The Beat 2 (1990) Body Count Breakdown by luvmetender009


Captain Lam Yick-Lin (Danny Lee Sau-Yin) – 5
Hood (Philip Ko) – 5
Buffalo (Conan Lee) – 3
Foreign Mob Leader – 3


Yatch – 1
-Hood stabs 1 of his own client

Apartment – 2

-The assasin accidentally fell out a window and was strangled by a neon sign’s wiring
-Ming stabbed by Hood

Hospital – 4
-Hood breaks an attendant’s neck while under the guise of a doctor
-Hood shoots 3 hostages

Docks – 12

-Buffalo shoots 3 thugs
-Lam shoots 2 thugs
-Lam accidentally shoots a secretary
-Lam shoots 2 more thugs
-Mob leader accidentally kills Hood and two others when trying to shoot Lam
-Police executes Mob leader