The Keeper (2009) Killcount & Body Count Breakdown

The Keeper (2009)

Starring Steven Seagal

Watch Video:

Seagal kills 23

The Keeper rights held by Steamroller Productions.

The Keeper (2009) Body Count Breakdown by Rorschach94


Roland Sallinger (Steven Seagal): 23
Trevor Johnson (Brian Keith Gamble): 1


Opening: 4
-Roland shoots 3 thugs
-Johnson shoots 1 thug

Hospital: 1
-Roland shoots Johnson

Parking Garage: 4
-4 of Nikita’s bodyguards killed by thugs

Street: 5
-Roland runs over 1 thug
-Roland shoots 3 thugs
-Roland kills 1 thug with a throwing knife

Mason’s House: 3
-Roland break’s 1 guard’s neck
-Roland shoots 2 guards

Restaurant: 2

-Roland shoots 1 thug
-Roland beats 1 thug to death

Final Showdown: 11

-Roland stabs 3 thugs
-Roland shoots 5 thugs
-2 other people shot in gunfight
-Roland punches through 1 thug’s throat