The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (1966) Killcount & Body Count Breakdown

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (1966)

Starring Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef and Eli Wallach

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Eastwood kills 11
Van Cleef kills 3
Wallach kills 6

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly rights held by MGM/Sony.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (1966) Body Count Breakdown by ASHPD24


Blondie (Clint Eastwood): 11
Tuco Ramirez (Eli Wallach): 6
Angel Eyes (Lee Van Cleef): 3


Bar: 2
-2 mercenaries shown dead, killed by Tuco

Hacienda: 2
-Angel Eyes shoots Stevens
-Angel Eyes shoots Stevens’ son

“I always follow my job through”: 1
-Angel Eyes shoots Baker

“But you don’t look like the one who collected”: 3
-Blondie shoots 3 mercenaries

Hotel: 3
-Blondie shoots Pedro, Chico, and Ramone

Confederate Fort: 1
-1 Confederate troop shown dead outside fort

“Sorry, Shorty”: 1
-Shorty is hanged by a lawman

Desert: 4
-3 Confederate troops shown dead in wagon, killed by Union troops
-Bill Carson dies from dehydration and gunshot wounds inflicted by Union troops

Trail: 3
-3 dead Union troops shown lying around

Catching a Bullet: 1
-Blondie shoots 1 thug

Railroad: 1
-Tuco throws Wallace off the train and then bashes his head on a rock repeatedly

Town: 1
-Union troops shoot a POW

“When you have to shoot, shoot, don’t talk!”: 2
-Tuco shoots the one-armed mercenary
-Blondie shoots Clem

Road: 4
-Tuco shoots 1 thug, causing him to fall off his balcony
-Blondie shoots 1 thug
-Tuco shoots another thug
-Blondie shoots another thug, causing him to fall off a roof

Union Fort: 143
-12 Union troops (shown beforehand) blown up in trench by Confederate artillery
-11 Union troops blown up by Confederate artillery on the beach
-119 Union troops shown dead on the beach and in the water
-The Union captain dies from gunshot wounds inflicted by Confederate troops

Beach: 47
-46 dead Union and Confederate troops shown lying around
-1 Confederate troop dies from gunshot wounds inflicted by Union troops

Gold Earned: 1
-Blondie shoots Angel Eyes