Jonah Hex (2010) Body Count Breakdown

Jonah Hex (2010) Body Count Breakdown by Eggimann


Jonah Hex (Josh Brolin): 56
Burke (Michael Fassbender): 54
Quentin Turnbull (John Malkovich): 3
Lilah (Megan Fox): 4


Civil War: 11
Confederacy Soldiers shoots 6 Union Soldiers
Jonah shoots 2 Union Soldiers
2 dead bodies seen
Union Soldiers kills 1 Confederacy Soldier

Turnbull’s Revenge: 2

Burke sets fire one Jonahs Wife and Son

Animated Sequence: 7
A dead body seen hanging
Jonah shoots 6, not counted as Brolins kills

Town: 13
3 dead bodies seen, killed by Jonah off-screen
A severed head is in a bag, killed by Jonah off-screen
Jonah shoots 8 thugs
A bystander is accidentally shot by a thug

Train: 58

Robbers shoots 5 soldiers
52 people blown up by Burke
Turnbull shoots a surviving soldier

Bar: 1
Jonah shoots a thug

Army Camp: 1
Dead body of a thug seen

Robbery: 16
15 dead bodies seen
Turnbull shoots a soldier

Arena: 3
Snake Man kills the fighter
Snake Man kills Colonel Slocum
The dog attacks and presumably kills a thug

Graveyard: 1

Jebs dead body seen, he was killed by Jonah.

Lilah´s Room: 1

Lilah stabs a guy

Fort: 25
Jonah throws a tomahawk into a thug
Jonah breaks a thugs neck
Jonah blows up 22 thugs with his Dual Dynamite-Guns
Jonah shoots a thug

Testing the Weapon: 23
23 people blown up

Betrayal: 1
Turnbull shoots Lusk

Dock Fight: 1

Jonah kills Burke by shoving his head into the boat propeller, then brings him back and kills him again by letting him burn and then smashing his head off.

Final Showdown: 20
Thugs blow up a boat, killing Lieutenant Grass, a soldier and the guy driving the boat
Lilah shoots 3 thugs
Jonah shoots 6 thugs
Jonah sets fire on 4 thugs with a flamethrower
Jonah causes the ship to blow up, killing Turnbull and 3 thugs he knocked out earlier.


It is mentioned that 324 are killed when they tested the weapon, but only 23 people were visible.