Top Ten Reasons Nicolas Cage Is The Greatest Actor–Ever

Hello. My name is Rant. I love the actor Nicolas Cage. I UN-apologetically admit this without any sense of sarcasm or irony. And even though it is entirely unnecessary to further explain myself–here are 10 reasons why… Why? Because the only thing better than being Nic Cage, seeing Nic Cage or seeing yourself be Nic … Read moreTop Ten Reasons Nicolas Cage Is The Greatest Actor–Ever

A Two-Fist List: My Favorite Flicks Of 2011…

…That I Actually Watched IN 2011 RUNNER-UP Director: Gary McKendry Writers: Matt Sherring (Screenplay), Ranulph Fiennes (Book) So even though the action scenes in this true (HA!) crime thriller about retired special forces assassins vs. secret ex-military society assassins (or some such shit) are unfortunately of the “fuck-your-senses-retarded” variety–I still happened to find myself sucking … Read moreA Two-Fist List: My Favorite Flicks Of 2011…

The AOBG Action 100 for 2011

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Here’s Our New List Of The Top 100 Action Films…As Voted By The Following Members of – ActionMovieFreak – Bananajuice – BaronBlitzkrieg – Chance Boudreaux – Dr. Judas – Dude – DynamiteKid – Eggimann – Jawsunleashed – LuvMeTender009 – PhilFightMaster – Rorshach94 – Rutledal – The Hestinator – and AOBG founders: … Read moreThe AOBG Action 100 for 2011