Terminator Woman (1993) Body Count Breakdown

Terminator Woman (1993) Body Count Breakdown by Gregglop09


Jay Handlin (Jerry Trimble): 4
Julie A. Parish (Karen Shepard): 4
Alex Gatelee (Michel Qissi): 2
Myra Bolo (Ashley Hayden): 1


Aslin’s House: 4
-Gatelee slits Aslin’s throat
-Gatelee’s Henchmen kill 3 guards

Ambush: 1
-Jay shoots 1 henchman with a shotgun

Shack Escape: 1
-Julie kicks a henchman off a railing to his death

“Apology Accepted”: 1
-Gatelee kicks one of his own henchmen out a window to his death

Base: 3
-Julie shoots 3 henchmen in a row

No Guns: 1
-Jay breaks Nalo’s neck

Cave: 1
-Jay crushes the Ninja Chick’s head Bruce Lee style

Boat: 1
-Myra accidentally fires her flare gun and blows up the helicopter, killing the pilot

Final Showdown: 1
-Jay kicks Gatelee onto a stalagtite, impaling and killing him


-Jay and Julie beat up and/or knock out many henchmen throughout the film but none of their hits looked fatal or lethal
-Lianna hit a henchman in the back of the head with a rock but didn’t finish him off
-It is heavily implied that Gatelee killed Charlie’s mother but the act nor the body is shown