BCB: Zu: Warriors From The Magic Mountain

Zu: Warriors From The Magic Mountain [Xin Shu Shan Jian Ke] (1983) Body Count Breakdown by luvmetender009

[Character Kills]

Ting Yin (Adam Cheng): 9
Ti Ming Chi (Yuen Biao): 6
Fat Soldier (Sammo Hung Kam-Bo): 4
Abbott Hsiao Yu (Damian Lau): 2
Countess (Brigitte Lin): 2

[Corpse Breakdown]

War (1): 19
-7 soldiers seen killed
-Ti kills 5 soldiers
-Fat soldier kills 1 soldier and 1 sergeant
-5 corpses seen

Haunted Temple: 6
-Ti slash at 1 flying skeleton causing it to crash
-1 flying skeleton accidentally hits a wall and smashes itself
-Ting spears 2 skeletons, impales 1 and smashes 1 against a wall

Demon Altar: 10
-Ting kills 3 evil disciples
-Hsiao kills 2 evil disciples
-Ting kills Evil Disciple leader
-4 evil disciples killed by lightning bolts that came from out of nowhere

Waterfall: 1
-Ting decapitates the witch

Devil’s World: 1
-Heaven’s Blade allows himself to be sucked into the portal

Egression: 2
-The Countess sacrifice herself to vanquish the posessed Ting. Both credited as her kills

War (2): 2
-Fat soldier kills 2 soldiers (last one cutaway)

[The Unconfirmed And Uncounted]

-Many, many more soldiers are killed in the war scenes but most of the fighting are offscreen and in the background.
-Several skulls are seen in the Temple.
-Ti kills a fish for lunch.
-Many of the Countess’ handmaidens are encased, frozen in ice in suspended animation which I didn’t count.

[The Final Tally= 41]