The Mummy (1999) Killcount And Body Count Breakdown

The Mummy (1999)

Starring Brendan Fraser, John Hannah, Arnold Vosloo, Oded Fehr and Corey Johnson

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Fraser kills 75
Hannah kills 13
Vosloo kills 14
Fehr kills 21
Johnson kills 10

The Mummy rights held by Universal Pictures.

The Mummy (1999) Body Count Breakdown by Longuecarabine

(Previously done by Gregglop09)

[Character Kills]

Richard “Rick” O’Connell (Brendan Fraser): 75
Ardeth Bay (Oded Fehr): 21
Imhotep (Arnold Vosloo): 14
Jonathan Carnahan (John Hannah): 13
David Daniels (Corey Johnson): 10
Dr. Terence Bey (Erick Avari): 6
Isaac Henderson (Stephen Dunham): 4
Bernard Burns (Tuc Watkins): 3
Anck-Su-Namun (Patricia Velasquez): 2
Evelyn “Evie” Carnahan (Rachel Weisz): 1
Warden Gad Hassan (Omid Djalili): 1

[Corpse Breakdown]

“My body is no longer his temple”: 2
Anck-Su-Namun stabs Pharaoh Seti I in the back with a knife then Imhotep cuts him down with a sword then they stab him repeatedly (Shared)
Anck-Su-Namun stabs herself with a knife (Comes back to life)

Hom Dai: 4
3 of Imhotep’s priests are mummified alive (Come back to life)
An Anubis-masked priest pours scarabs onto Imhotep which eat him alive (Comes back to life)

Hamunaptura 1923: 124
Legionnaires shoot 25 Tuaregs
Rick shoots 2 Tuaregs
Tuaregs shoot 5 Legionnaires
Legionnaires shoot 9 Tuaregs
Tuaregs shoot 17 Legionnaires
Legionnaires shoot 2 Tuaregs
3 Legionnaires bodies are seen killed by Turags
Tuaregs cut down 5 Legionnaires with swords
2 Legionnaires bodies are seen in the background killed by Tuaregs
A Tuaregs throws his sword into a Legionnaire’s back
3 Legionnaires bodies are seen killed by Tuaregs
Rick shoots a Tuareg
Rick hits a Tuareg in the face with his rifle killing him
2 Legionnaires bodies are seen killed by Tuaregs
Rick shoots 6 Tuaregs
Tuaregs shoot 3 Legionnaires
6 Legionnaires bodies are seen killed by Tuaregs
At least 30 Legionnaires bodies are seen in the aftermath killed by Tuaregs

“And did I panic?”: 8
Rick shoots 5 Medjai
Rick kicks a Medjai into a room full of fire setting him on fire and burning him alive
Henderson, Burns and Daniels shoot a Medjai together (Shared)
Henderson shoots The Hook-Handed Medjai off the boat

First Dig: 4
3 Egyptian diggers are sprayed with salt acid melting them to death
Gad Hassan unintentionally runs headfirst into a wall after a scarab burrows into his body killing himself

Camp Attack: 17
Daniels shoots a Medjai
A Medjai shoots an Egyptian digger with a shotgun
A Medjai cuts down an Egyptian digger with his sword
Burns shoots 2 Medjai with Henderson shooting one with him (One Shared)
Henderson shoots a Medjai
Daniels shoots a Medjai
A body is seen behind Rick
Rick shoots 3 Medjai
A body is seen behind Evelyn
Evelyn shoots a Medjai with a shotgun
Jonathan shoots 2 Medjai

Rick shoots a Medjai
A Medjai’s body is seen in the aftermath

“No! You must not read from the book!”: 5
Imhotep conjures a swarm of locusts that eat 4 Egyptian diggers alive
An Egyptian digger is eaten alive by scarabs

“More is needed”: 4
Imhotep uses his powers to summon a firestorm that sets 3 soldiers on fire burning them to death
Burns’ body is seen organs and fluids drained by Imhotep

Plague of Flies: 1
Dr. Allan Chamberlain’s body is seen organs and fluids drained by Imhotep

Guard Duty: 1
Imhotep drains Henderson’s organs and fluids killing him

Escape: 20
Rick punches one of Imhotep’s slaves off a car which causes him to hit a pole killing him
Daniels shoots 7 of Imhotep’s slaves
Imhotep drains Daniels’ organs and fluids offscreen
Jonathan crashes the car into a fire hydrant killing 4 of Imhotep’s slaves
Dr. Bey cuts down 6 of Imhotep’s slaves with a sword
Slaves controlled by Imhotep rip Dr. Bey apart offscreen

“Here I come, laddies!”: 1
Imhotep uses his powers to create a sandstorm which causes a plane to crash killing Winston

“Death… is only the beginning”: 61
Rick shoots 5 mummy priests with a shotgun and Ardeth shoots 3 with him (Shared)
Rick shoots 3 mummy priests with a shotgun and Ardeth shoots 3 with him (Shared)
Rick shoots 6 mummy priests with a shotgun and Ardeth and Jonathan shoot 6 with him (Shared)
Rick shoots a mummy priest with a shotgun
Ardeth shoots a mummy priest
Rick shoots 5 mummy priests with a shotgun and Ardeth shoots 5 with him (Shared)
Rick shoots 3 mummy priests with a shotgun offscreen
Rick blows up 2 mummy priests with a stick of dynamite
Ardeth shoots 3 mummy priests with a shotgun
Rick blows up 3 mummy priests with a stick of dynamite
Rick cuts down 5 mummy priests with a sword
Rick hits a mummy priest in the face killing it
Rick kicks a mummy priest in the groin killing it
Rick kicks a mummy priest in the face killing it
Rick cuts down 8 mummy priests with a sword
Rick cuts off a mummy priests legs with a sword causing it to be crushed by a stone slab it’s holding
Rick cuts down 2 mummies with a sword offscreen
Rick cuts a rope with a sword causing a cage to fall and crush a mummy soldier
Rick cuts a mummy soldiers head off with a sword
Rick flips a mummy soldier into some sludge killing it
Rick cuts down 2 mummy soldier’s with a sword
Rick sets a mummy soldier on fire with a torch burning it alive then kicks it into some sludge
Rick knocks a mummy soldier off a staircase to its death
Rick cuts down 2 mummy soldiers with a sword
Mummy soldier’s controlled by Jonathan stab Anck-Su-Namun with a spear then cut her down (Comes back to life)
Rick stabs Imhotep with a sword and he walks into a pool of sludge which decomposes him (Comes back to life)

Destruction of Hamunaptra: 1
Beni is eaten alive by scarabs

[The Final Tally= 253]

[The Unconfirmed And Uncounted]

Evelyn and Jonathan’s parents are mentioned as dead
It’s unknown what happened to the rest of the Egyptian diggers
Rick, Ardeth and Dr. Bey knock several of Imhotep’s slaves off the car but since the 2 that tackle Daniels off the car get up they don’t count