Undisputed III: Redemption (2010) Body Count Breakdown by Eggimann
Turbo (Mykel Shannon Jenkins): 5
Farnatti (Robert Costanzo): 2
Warden Kuss (Hristo Shopov): 1
Sykov (Esteban Cueto): 1
Opening Fight: 1
Sykov breaks a fighters neck
Elimination: 4
The 4 losing fighters shot by guards
Semifinal: 1
The Brazilian fighter shot by guards
Wardens Office: 3
Farnatti shoots Rezo and his bodyguard
The Warden shoots Farnetti
Rescue: 5
Turbo shoots The Warden and 4 guards
Many people gets brutally beaten throughout, but I couldn’t confirm any of them as kills. In the end Boyka defeats Dolor, but if Dolor is killed like the other losers is unknown.