Street Kings (2008) Killcount & Body Count Breakdown

Street Kings (2008) Killcount by H83tr3d

Starring Keanu Reeves

Reeves kills 10

Street Kings rights held by Searchlight Pictures.

>Street Kings (2008) Body Count Breakdown by ASHPD24


LAPD Vice Special Detective Tom Ludlow (Keanu Reeves): 10
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Deputy Fake LaShawn Fremont (Cle Sloan): 3
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Deputy Fake Coates (Common): 3
LAPD Vice Special Detective Dante Demille (John Corbett): 1
LAPD Vice Special Detective Cosmo Santos (Amaury Nolasco): 1


House rescue: 4
-Ludlow shoots Thug Kim after kicking in the front door
-Ludlow shoots The Toilet Man
-Ludlow shoots Boss Kim twice in the back and once in the back of the head
-Ludlow shoots The Towel Man

Liquor store hit: 2
-Fake Fremont and Fake Coates shoot The Union Market Clerk (shared)
-Ludlow accidentally shoots Detective Terrence Washington in the back while firing at Fake Fremont and Fake Coates and Fake Fremont and Fake Coates shoot Washington together, and he bleeds out from the gunshot wounds shortly after (three-way shared)

Morgue: 2
-2 dead bodies are seen covered by sheets

“We found them. Great.”: 2
-The real LaShawn Fremont and real Coates’ rotting corpses are seen dead and buried, shot in their heads by Santos and Demille (1 kill each)

“We are walking, talking, exigent circumstances” / “Fuck this nigga”: 4
-Fake Fremont shoots Winston “Scribble” after he refuses to shoot Ludlow
-Ludlow shoots Fake LaShawn Fremont
-Ludlow shoots Fake Coates in the head after pinning him to a wall with a fridge
-Detective Paul “Disco” Diskant bleeds out from a gunshot wound to the throat inflicted by Fake Coates

Execution escape: 2
-Ludlow chops the side of a shovel head into the top of Detective Dante Demille’s head, killing him
-Ludlow shoots Detective Cosmo Santos with Demille’s gun

“You were my best friend” “We were family”: 1
-Ludlow shoots Captain Jack Wander


-Several beatings, but nothing lethal.
-It’s revealed that Ludlow’s wife died three years earlier after a brain aneurysm and she died alone after being dumped outside of a hospital by the guy she was having an affair with.
-Fake Fremont shoots Ludlow in the arm through a sofa while firing at him, but he survives.