Project A 2 [Project A Part II] (1987) Body Count Breakdown by luvmetender009
[Character Kills]
Dragon Mao (Jackie Chan): 1
Superintendent Chun (David Lam): 2
[Corpse Breakdown]
Life Without San Po: 1
-1 pirate succumbs to disease
Staged Robbery: 3
-Shop owner revealed to have died after being shot by bandits
-Chun shoots 2 hired bandits
Paste Factory: 1
-Mao drops Chun’s lieutenant into a grinder
[The Unconfirmed And Uncounted]
-Mao beats up more people than he did in Part 1, but again none of his beatings are fatal.
-The two Imperial agents were thrown off rather high balconies by Mao after a series of long and awesome fight scenes but they appeared to have survived the fall.