Harry Brown (2009) Body Count Breakdown

Harry Brown (2009) Body Count Breakdown by ASHPD24


Harry Brown (Michael Caine): 6
Carl (Jamie Downey): 1
Sid Rourke (Liam Cunningham): 1


Opening: 3
-Joyriding thug accidentally shoots a woman.
-The 2 thugs crash into an oncoming semi, killing them both.

Introducing Harry Brown: 1
-Rachel Brown dies offscreen.

“Self-Defense”: 1
-Leonard is beaten and stabbed by Noel’s crew offscreen (we later see photos and a video of this.)

First Down: 1
-Harry stabs Dean with his own knife.

Gun Deal: 2
-Harry shoots Kenny.
-Harry shoots Stretch.

Payoff: 1
-Harry shoots Troy Martindale.

Subway: 2
-Harry shoots Carl.
-Carl accidentally shoots Marky in his death spasms.

Pub: 3
-Sid suffocates Hicock.
-Harry shoots Noel in the throat.
-Sid is gunned down by the police.