Full Eclipse (1993) Body Count Breakdown

Full Eclipse (1993) Body Count Breakdown by Eggimann


Max Dire (Mario Van Peebles): 9
Adam Garou (Bruce Payne): 6
Casey Spencer (Patsy Kensit): 2
Jim Sheldon (Anthony John Denison): 2


Club: 6
Guy thrown trough window
1 dead body seen
1 guy shot by a thug
Max shoots 3 thugs

Drive By: 8

Thugs shoots 4
Max shoots 1
Thug shoots 2
Jim drives him and a thug into a wall, killing the thug

Bar: 1

Jim shoots himself

Gun Sale: 24
Garou´s people kill 24 people

Morgue: 11

11 dead bodies seen

Drug Lab: 7

Thugs shoot 1 of their own
Max shoots 4 thugs
Casey slashes 1 thugs throat
Casey shoots 1 thugs

Teague´s place: 3

3 bodies dropped in through the window

Holding Cell: 1

Garou shoots Tom

Garou´s place: 1

Garou bites Doug in his throat

Beach: 1

Casey dies from wounds

Roof: 1
Garou shoots the Police Chief

Final Showdown: 16

13 dead bodies
Garou breaks Teauges neck
Garou kills Liza and Ramon
Max kills Garou by injecting him with some kind of silver poison