Fearless Hyena 2 (1983) Body Count Breakdown

Fearless Hyena 2 (1983) Body Count Breakdown by BodyCountMan


Thug-(Austin Wai) 6
Heaven-(Shi-Kwan Yen) 4
Earth-(Kwan Yung Moon) 5


Opening Fight: 1
Heaven and Earth-beat Chan Chi-Chu, to death

Beggars’ Guild Massacre: 5

-Heaven and Earth’s men kill for 4 men
Earth-kicks Master Su and he dies off screen

Death Of Old Chan: 1
Heaven and Earth-beat and set Chan on fire

Frog’s Death: 1
Heaven and Earth-kill Frog off screen and Ha Ling find his body

The Chan Chi-Pei: 2
Heaven and Earth’s men slash her to death whit their blades
Heaven and Earth-beat Chan Chi-Pei, too death

The Final Showdown: 6
Thug-kills two of Heaven and Earth’s men whit his traps
Thug-knocks one of Heaven and Earth’s men into a pit on too some spikes
Thug-Kicks another one of Heaven and Earth’s men on to spikes
Thug-breaks Earth’s neck
Thug-jumps in the air and kicks Heaven killing him