Blown Away (1994) Killcount & Body Count Breakdown

Blown Away (1994) Killcount by orphen20

Starring Tommy Lee Jones and Jeff Bridges

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Jones kills 12
Bridges kills 5

Blown Away rights held by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Trilogy Entertainment Group.

Blown Away (1994) Body Count Breakdown by Ebb1993

[Character Kills]

Ryan Gaerity (Tommy Lee Jones): 12
Lt. Jimmy Dove/Liam McGivney (Jeff Bridges): 5

[Corpse Breakdown]

Castle Gleigh Prison: 2
Gaerity smothers and stabs a prisoner to death
Gaerity shoots a prison guard with a flare

Computer Lab: 1
An MIT student is shown dead, having shot himself

Bridge: 1
A bomb placed by Gaerity blows back Blanket, causing a fatal concussion

Truck Bomb: 2
A bomb placed by Gaerity blows up Cortez and Rita

Flashback: 5
Jimmy struggles to stop Gaerity from detonating a bomb, but fails and ends up blowing up four IRA members and Gaerity’s sister/Jimmy’s girlfriend

Max’s Sacrifice: 1
Gaerity’s bomb blows up Max

Final Showdown: 1
Gaerity’s bomb destroys Gaerity’s ship and Gaerity himself perishes in the explosion

[The Unconfirmed And Uncounted]

Gaerity is mentioned to have blown up three unnamed people
A judge is mentioned to have been blown up by William Kozolski
Gaerity kills Jimmy’s dog Boomer

[The Final Tally= 13]