Kickboxer 4: The Aggressor (1994) Body Count Breakdown

Kickboxer 4: The Aggressor (1994) Body Count Breakdown by Rutledal [CHARACTER KILLS] David Sloan (Sasha Mitchell): 1 Tong Po (Kamel Krifa): 6 Vicky (Deborah Mansy): 1 [CORPSE BREAKDOWN] Kidnapping: 1 -Vicky kills one of Tong Po’s henchmen Making the DEA Talk: 1 -Tong Po kills Darcy Leave!: 5 -Tong Po shoots 5 fighters Finish Him#1: … Read moreKickboxer 4: The Aggressor (1994) Body Count Breakdown

Kickboxer 3: The Art of War (1992) Body Count Breakdown

Kickboxer 3: The Art of War (1992) Body Count Breakdown by Rutledal [CHARACTER KILLS] David Sloan (Sasha Mitchell): 6 Xian (Dennis Chan): 1 Lane (Richard Comar): 1 Marcos (Noah Verduzco): 1 [CORPSE BREAKDOWN] Runaway: 1 -Lane kills the girl who tries to escape Branco’s Place: 6 -Sloan shoots 3 bodyguards -Xian shoots a bodyguard -Sloan … Read moreKickboxer 3: The Art of War (1992) Body Count Breakdown

Kickboxer 2: The Road Back (1991) Body Count Breakdown

Kickboxer 2: The Road Back (1991) Body Count Breakdown by Rutledal [CHARACTER KILLS] Tong Po (Michel Qissi): 2 Neil Vargas (Matthias Hues): 1 [CORPSE BREAKDOWN] Burning Down The Gym: 1 -Vargas burns down the gym, killing Joey Flashback of Humiliation: 1 -Kurt Sloan’s body seen, killed by Tong Po Hospital: 1 -Brian dies after fighting … Read moreKickboxer 2: The Road Back (1991) Body Count Breakdown