Seven Swords (2005) Body Count Breakdown

Seven Swords (2005) Body Count by luvmetender009


Han Zhi Ban (Yi Lu) – 28, 7 shared with Mulang
Mulang (Duncan Chow) – 24, 7 shared with Han
Chu Zhao Nan (Donnie Yen) – 3
Liu Yufang (Zang Jingchu) – 2
Wu Yuan Yin (Charlie Yeung) – 2
Fu Qing Ju (Chia-Liang Liu) – 1
Yang Yunchong (Leon Lai) – 1
Dongluo – 10
Fire-wind (Sun Honglei) – 3
Kualo (Chen Jiajia) – 2
Dagger-peak/Crossbow Elite – 4
Umbrella Elite – 4
Prode Elite – 1
Flail Elite – 1
Mudtrot – 2
Spiked Shield Elite – 3


Town Massacre – 40
-9 corpses of innocent people killed by the elites seen
-Spiked shield elite kills 2 people
-Dagger-peak arrows 1 people
-Prode elite impales 1 person
-Dagger-peak kills 3 people
-Umbrella elite decapitates 1 person
-3 corpses of innocent people seen
-2 people are shown killed by someone offscreen
-Mudtrot kills 2 people
-Kualo cuts 1 person’s throat
-Kualo kills a musician
-11 people seen hung
-3 corpses seen

Forest – 1
-Yuan Yin kills Dagger-peak

Private Chamber – 1
-Firewind kills 1 of his own

Maize Field – 1
-Flail Elite decapitates 1 person

Invasion – 5
-Firewind’s archers arrows 2 people
-3 people are killed by Firewind’s soldiers

The Saviours – 32
-The decapitated head of an elite killed by Han seen
-Han kills 15 soldiers
-Mulang kills 14 soldiers
-Mulang kills Stonebeast
-Chu kills Mudtrot

Aftermath – 9
-9 corpses of people killed by Firewind’s minions seen

Price of Failure – 3
-Firewind kills the failed Prode Elite

Assault on Firewind Fortress – 11
-Han kills 5 soldiers
-Umbrella Elite accidentally kills 3 of his own
-Yunchong kills 1 soldier
-Spiked Shield Elite accidentally kills 1 of his own
-Chu kills Kualo

Firewind Makes A Personal Visit – 5
-5 soldiers killed by booby trap

Revelation – 1
-Green Pearl succumbs to being wounded by Firewind, as seen in a later flashback

Underground Cavern – 11
-Dongluo kills Yufang’s father
-Dongluo massacres 9 people
-Yufang accidentally kills 1 innocent person she thought was Dongluo

Death to Firewind – 15
-Han stabs 1 soldier
-1 soldier blown up by his own cannons
-Fu stabs dual sword elite
-Mulang cuts down 1 soldier and 1 elite
-Yuan Yin stabs pike elite
-Mulang and Han blows up 7 soldiers, shared kill
-1 soldier’s corpse seen
-Chu kills Firewind

Flashback – 1
-Yufang kills Dongluo


-A total of 173 people are killed in the Town Massacre scene as mentioned in a dialogue.
-Fu confesses that he had killed many people back in his younger days.