Hitman (2007) Body Count Breakdown

Hitman (2007) Body Count by Gregglop09


Agent 47 (Timothy Olyphant): 54
Other Hitman (Jean-Marc Bellu): 1


Training Montage: 1
Child is shot to death on the fence

Nigeria: 5
47 blows up his target and 4 people

Assassination: 1
47 shoots Belicoff

Hotel: 12
47 blows up 5 S.W.A.T. Guys with a bomb attached to the door
47 shoots 2 S.W.A.T. Guys in hallway with dual pistols
47 guns down 5 S.W.A.T Guys in elevator with dual pistols

Russia: 1
Other Hitman shoots Russian Bystander

Train: 4
47 stabs 2 hitmen
47 strangles a hitman to death with his own tie
47 shoots Other Hitman

Bathroom: 4
47 shoots one of Price’s Bodyguards in the back of the head
47 injects Price with a poison serum, killing him
47 shoots 2 more bodyguards

Arms Deal: 13
47 shoots 11 arms dealers with dual machine guns
47 blows up an arms dealer with a grenade
47 shoots Udre

Chruch: 13
47 shoots 6 bodyguards
47 shoots 4 Russian Cops
47 crushes a cop’s head with his foot, killing him
47 crushes a hitman’s head with his foot, killing him
47 shoots Bellicoff’s Double

Watching Over Them: 2
2 hitmen’s dead bodies killed by 47 shown