Smokin’ Aces 2: Same Shit, Worse Movie

[THE CHALK-OUTLINE] Smokin’ Aces 2: Assassins’ Ball (2010): Breakdown by Rantbo Smokin’ Aces (now with 100% LESS, Buddy ‘Aces’ Israel and his contracted demise) 2 (this isn’t a sequel): Assassins’ Ball (another lie—literally and figuratively, there isn’t one). Hmm. Well—BANG! BANG-BANG-BANG-BANG-BANG!!! Good enough? [THE EXECUTION] While I made sure to not allow my previous luke-warm … Read moreSmokin’ Aces 2: Same Shit, Worse Movie

Bruce Lee: Pissed Off Fury

[THE CHALK-OUTLINE] Fist Of Fury a.k.a. The Chinese Connection (1972): Breakdown by Kain424 A martial arts student returns home to find his teacher dead.  Vengeance-fueled violence ensues. [THE EXECUTION] After audiences reacted so positively to Bruce Lee in The Big Boss, writer-director Lo Wei quickly produced a follow-up film.  This time, Lee would have complete … Read moreBruce Lee: Pissed Off Fury

The Best Of The Pacific North West (That We Could Get On Such Late Notice)

[THE CHALK-OUTLINE] Best Of The Best (1989): Breakdown by Rantbo Korea may have won the war, but they haven’t won the battle. So says Eric Roberts and his motley crew of American martial artists. [THE EXECUTION] The year was 1989; AIDS was old news, the War On Drugs was no longer taken seriously, and as … Read moreThe Best Of The Pacific North West (That We Could Get On Such Late Notice)