Arrow Season 8 Body Count Breakdown

Season 7

Arrow Season 8 (2019-2020) Body Count Breakdown by Gregglop09

[Character Kills]

Oliver Jonas “Ollie” Queen/The Hood I/Green Arrow/Spectre (Stephen Amell): 101
A.R.G.U.S. Director Lyla Michaels/Harbinger (Audrey Marie Anderson): 20
Sara Lance/White Canary (Caity Lotz): 15
Bartholomew Henry “Barry” Allen/The Flash (Grant Gustin): 12
Thomas “Tommy” Merlyn/The Dark Archer (Colin Donnell): 9
Mobius/The Anti-Monitor (LaMonica Garrett): 9
Alexander Joseph “Lex” Luthor (Jon Cryer): 9
John Thomas “Dig” Diggle/Spartan (David Ramsey): 7
J’onn J’onnz/Martian Manhunter (David Harewood): 7
Mia Smoak/Mia Queen/Blackstar (Katherine McNamara): 5
Grant Wilson/Deathstroke II (Jamie Andrew Cutler): 6
Kara Zor-El/Kara Danvers/Supergirl (Melissa Benoist): 5
Dinah Laurel Lance/Black Siren (Katie Cassidy): 3
Mayor Quentin Larry Lance (Paul Blackthorne): 2
Tatsu Yamashiro/Katana (Rila Fukushima): 2
Zoe Ramirez (Andrea Sixtos): 2
Farzad Qadir (Josh Pyman): 2
Simon Morrison/Adrian Chase/The Hood II (Josh Segarra): 1
Rene Ramirez/Wild Dog (Rick Gonzalez): 1
John Thomas “J.J.” Diggle Jr./Deathstroke III (Marcello Guedes): 1
Katherine Rebecca “Kate” Kane/Batwoman (Ruby Rose): 1
Ryan Choi (Osric Chou): 1
Oleg (Yurij Kis): 1
Anatoly Knyasev (David Nykl): 1

[Corpse Breakdown]

Episode 1 “Starling City”: 26

Lab Massacre Aftermath: 9
9 scientists’ bodies are seen having been shot with arrows by The Dark Archer

Party: 3
A bodyguard’s body is seen having been shot by a Deathstroke gang member
Zoe cuts down 2 Deathstroke gang members with a katana

Rescue: 1
Diggle shoots one of Tommy’s men

Building Fight: 4
Green Arrow shoots one of Tommy’s men with an arrow
The Hood II shoots one of Tommy’s men with an arrow
Black Siren shoots one of Tommy’s men
Green Arrow kicks one of Tommy’s men head-first through a cement block killing him

Police Station: 9
Anti-Monitor releases an antimatter wave disintegrating 5 cops, Dinah Drake, Rene Ramirez, Moira Queen and Thomas “Tommy” Merlyn/The Dark Archer

Episode 2 “Welcome To Hong Kong”: 6

Apartment: 2
Katana stabs 2 of China White’s men with katanas

Docks: 4
Spartan snipes one of China White’s men
Spartan shoots one of China White’s men
Green Arrow shoots one of China White’s men with an arrow
Lyla shoots one of China White’s men

Episode 3 “Leap Of Faith”: 12

“I will have my vengeance”: 2
Lyla forces Farzad to shoot 2 of his own men (Shared)
Diggle shoots Farzad Qadir in the back

Tomb: 7
A League of Assassins member steps on a stone activating a firetrap incinerating himself and 2 other League of Assassins members
Oliver shoots 3 League of Assassins members with arrows
Oliver throws Athena onto the ground activating a trap causing the temple to collapse crushing her

Penthouse Takedown: 3
Mia shoots 2 Deathstroke gang members with arrows
Zoe Ramirez dies from being stabbed through the back with a sword by J.J. (Comes back to life)

Episode 4 “Present Tense”: 11

Hospital: 4
Deathstroke II’s bomb blows up Macmillan Fairfield, Dr. Elisa Schwartz and 2 orderlies

Warehouse: 3
A civilian’s body is seen having been cut down with a katana by a Deathstroke gang member
Spartan shoots a Deathstroke gang member in the back
Wild Dog shoots a Deathstroke gang member in the back

Underground Tunnels: 4
2 security guards’ bodies are seen having had their throats cut with a katana by Deathstroke II
Mia shoots 2 Deathstroke gang members with arrows

Episode 5 “Prochnost”: 2

“The general only operates here because we say he can” “And you did not say”: 1
Oleg shoots General Alexi Burov in the head

“You said watch back”: 1
Anatoly shoots Oleg in the back

Episode 6 “Reset”: 11*

First Loop: 3
A terrorist detonates a bomb blowing up himself, Oliver Jonas “Ollie” Queen/Green Arrow and Quentin Larry Lance

Second Loop: 2
A terrorist’s bomb blows up Dinah Laurel Lance/Black Siren and Oliver Jonas “Ollie” Queen/Green Arrow

Third Loop: 1
A mercenary snipes Quentin Larry Lance

Fourth Loop: 1
Lyla shoots Quentin Larry Lance in the head

Fifth Loop: 1
Quentin Larry Lance dies of a gunshot wounds inflicted by one of White’s men

Sixth Loop: 3
Quentin shoots 2 of White’s men
White’s men shoot Quentin Larry Lance offscreen

Episode 7 “Purgatory”: 27

Woods Standoff: 4
Oliver shoots 3 Beta Unit soldiers
Laurel throws a machete into a Beta Unit soldier’s chest

Beta Base Showdown: 23
Green Arrow shoots a Humvee with an explosive arrow blowing up a Beta Unit soldier
Mia shoots a Beta Unit soldier on a motorcycle with an arrow
Spartan shoots 2 Beta Unit soldiers
Green Arrow stabs a Beta Unit soldier with an arrow
Black Siren shoots a Beta Unit soldier
Lyla activates the orb killing Yao Fei Gulong, William “Billy” Wintergreen, Edward Fyers and 13 Beta Unit soldiers

Episode 8 “Crisis On Infinite Earths: Part Four”: 111

Final Battle: 111
The Flash runs through 2 Shadow Demons killing them
White Canary hits a Shadow Demon with her staff killing it
Lex shoots a Shadow Demon with energy projections
White Canary hits 2 Shadow Demons with her staff killing them
Lex shoots 2 Shadow Demons with energy projections
Supergirl blasts 3 Shadow Demons with her laser vision
Batwoman throws a batarang at a Shadow Demon killing it
Ryan punches a Shadow Demon killing it
J’onn punches 3 Shadow Demons killing them
The Flash runs through 5 Shadow Demons killing them
Supergirl blasts 2 Shadow Demons with her laser vision
White Canary kicks a Shadow Demon killing it
Lex shoots 6 Shadow Demons with energy projections
The Flash runs through 5 Shadow Demons killing them
White Canary hits a Shadow Demon killing it
The Flash runs through 5 Shadow Demons killing them
White Canary hits 9 Shadow Demons killing them
J’onn punches 4 Shadow Demons killing them
White Canary hits a Shadow Demon killing it
Spectre creates a new multiverse sending out a shockwave killing 55 Shadow Demons
Oliver Jonas “Ollie Queen/Spectre dies from the shockwave by creating a new multiverse

Episode 10 “Fadeout”: 33

Plant Takedown Flashback: 33
The Hood I shoots 28 of Byrne’s men with arrows
The Hood I drops one of Bryne’s men from a grappling arrow to his death
The Hood I shoots 4 more of Byrne’s men with arrows

[The Unconfirmed And Uncounted]

-*Alternate reality kills
-No kills in Episode 9
-Many beatdowns/knockouts but nothing fatal
-Many non-lethal arrow wounds
-Katana non-fatally slices 2 of China White’s men with a katana
-Thea Dearden Queen’s Earth 2 counterpart is mentioned to have overdosed on Vertigo offscreen
-Thousands of Earth-2 civilians are disintegrated by the Anti-Monitor’s antimatter wave offscreen
-Mia pushes a cage fighter into the path of another’s knife but he survives

[The Final Tally= 239]