The Royal Scoundrel [Son Of The Beach (1991) Body Count Breakdown

The Royal Scoundrel [Son Of Tthe Beach / Sha Tan-Zi Yu Zhou Shih-Nai] (1991) Body Count Breakdown by luvmetender009


Beach Boy (Tony Leung Chiu-Wai) – 9
Corrupt Inspector Li Nam (Waise Lee) – 4


Inspector Li the Hero – 1
-Li shoots Yuk’s stepfather who is holding her as a hostage

Elevator Torture – 1
-Li pressed a switch which cause an elevator to fall on the suspect

“Your job is done” – 1
-Li shoots Taiwanese informant

Junkyard Shootout – 10
-Junkyard owner is shot by Taiwanese thugs
-Beach Boy blows up Taiwanese thugs’ convoy (4 cars, each containing 2 thugs, plus thug leader in white) with a homemade grenade launcher

Apartment – 1
-Rusty is killed by an explosive trap placed there by Li

Train Station Betrayal – 1
-Li is shot by Taiwanese thugs