Confession Of Pain (2006) Body Count Breakdown

Confession Of Pain (2006) Body Count Breakdown by luvmetender009


Detective Lau Ching Hei (Tony Leung Chiu-Wai) – 6
Detective Yau Kin Bong (Takeshi Kaneshiro) – 1
Lai Sun Wah (Ricky Chan) – 1
Emotion Cheung (Cheung Kam Ching) – 1


Tragedy – 1
-Yau’s wife cuts her own wrists

Slums – 2
-Wah and Cheung seen dead, they killed each other

Display Room – 2
-Lau and his accomplice kills a butler
-Lau smash Zhou’s head with a bronze bust

Hospital – 2
-A woman’s corpse seen
-Yau mercy kills Rachel by suffocating her with a pillow

Temple – 1
-Guy murdered offscreen seen in car boot (later revealed that killer is Lau)

Flashback – 4
-Lau’s father, mother, grandmother and young sister killed by Li’s gangsters

Payback – 2
-Lau blows up Li and his wife (unintentionally)

Confession of Pain – 1
-Lau shoots himself in the head


-Lau and Yau smash several gangsters’ heads in the pub with glass bottles.
-A bleeding whore who attempoted suicide is seen in an apartment, but last time we see her she’s still alive.
-Lau beats up the pimp but didn’t finish him off.