Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday Body Count Breakdown

Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday (1993) [Unrated Cut] Body Count Breakdown by Longuecarabine

[Character Kills]

Jason Voorhees (Kane Hodder/Richard Gant/Andrew Bloch/Steven Culp): 20 (1 as Hodder/8 as Gant/2 as Bloch/9 as Culp)
Jessica Kimble (Kari Keegan): 2
Steven Freeman (John D. LeMay): 1
Vicki Sanders (Allison Smith): 1
Sheriff Landis (Billy Green Bush): 1
FBI Guard (Kane Hodder): 1

[Corpse Breakdown]

Sting Operation: 1
The FBI Guard and FBI agents shoot Jason which causes him to explode (Shared/Comes back to life)

“I’d like to take a crap right on your fucking mask”: 3
Jason whilst possessing Phil stabs an assistant coroner in the back of the neck with some surgical equipment
The FBI Guard and an FBI agents bodies are seen killed by Jason whilst possessing Phil

Camping: 3
Jason whilst possessing Phil slashes Alexis to death with a scalpel
Jason whilst possessing Phil stabs Debbie in the back with a signpost and cuts her in half
Jason whilst possessing Phil crushes Luke’s head with a signpost offscreen

Ambush: 2
Jason whilst possessing Phil slams a car door into Edna’s neck killing her
Jason whilst possessing Phil transfers his soul into Deputy Josh which causes Phil to melt away offscreen

“You have to save Jessica”: 1
Jason whilst possessing Deputy Josh throws a knife sharpener into Diana’s back

Mouth to Mouth: 1
Jason whilst possessing Deputy Josh transfers his soul into Robert Campbell’s mouth which melts Deputy Josh’s body

Police Station: 3
Jason whilst possessing Campbell slams Officer Ryan’s head into a locker killing him
Jason whilst possessing Campbell slams Officer Mark and Officer Brian’s heads together killing them

“Go to Hell”: 7
Jason whilst possessing Campbell breaks Ward’s arm at the wrist then throws him into a door killing him
Jason whilst possessing Campbell throws a civilian into a partition headfirst killing them
Vicki accidentally shoots a civilian with a shotgun
Jason whilst possessing Campbell pushes Shelby’s head into hot cooking oil drowning and burning him to death
Jason whilst possessing Campbell elbows Joey in the mouth killing her
Jason whilst possessing Campbell impales Vicki with a rod then crushes her head with his bare hands causing the top of her head to explode
Jason whilst possessing Campbell transfers his soul into Deputy Randy melting Campbell’s body offscreen

“Does it have to be a living woman?”: 4
Sheriff Landis runs himself onto Jessica’s sword (Shared)
Steven partially cuts off Deputy Randy’s head whilst being possessed by Jason
Jason gives Creighton Duke a bear hug breaking his back
Jessica stabs Jason in the back which causes demons to drag him into Hell killing him (Shared)

[The Final Tally= 25]