Movies | Series |
WomanlightClair De Femme |
Do You Want A Nobel Baby?Voulez-Vous Un Bébé Nobel? |
We’re Not Angels… Neither Are TheyOn N’Est Pas Des Anges… Elles Non Plus |
Les Bidasses Aux Grandes Manoeuvres | |
The PasserbyLa Passante Du Sans-Souci |
The Last BattleLe Dernier Combat |
Outward Signs Of WealthSignes Extérieurs De Richesse |
Our HistoryNotre Histoire |
The Telephone Always Rings TwiceLe Téléphone Sonne Toujours Deux Fois |
A Fulfilled ManUn Homme Comblé |
Subway | |
Strictly PersonalStrictement Personnel |
I Love You | |
Zone RedZone Rouge |
Tomorrow The Day Will ComeEt Demain Viendra Le Jour |
Monsieur Benjamin | |
The Big BlueLe Grand Bleu |
1 |
La Femme NikitaNikita |
11 |
The Man In The Golden MaskL’Homme Au Masque D’Or |
Operation Corned BeefL’Opération Corned Beef |
1 |
Loulou Graffiti | |
The VisitorsLes Visiteurs |
3 |
Flight From Justice | |
LéonLéon: The Professional |
30 |
TrufflesLes Truffes |
Beyond The Clouds | |
Mission: Impossible | 2 |
The JaguarLe Jaguar |
Roseanna’s GraveFor The Love Of Roseanna / For Roseanna |
A Witch’s Way Of LoveUn Amour De Sorcière |
1 |
The Sun SistersLes Soeurs Soleil |
The Visitors II: The Corridors Of TimeLes Couloirs Du Temps: Les Visiteurs II |
4 |
Ronin | 10 |
The Book That Wrote Itself | |
The Crimson RiversLes Rivières Pourpres |
1 |
Just Visiting | 9 |
Wasabi | 16 |
Jet LagDécalage Horaire |
Ruby & QuentinTais-Toi! |
3 |
Crimson Rivers 2: Angels Of The ApocalypseLes Rivières Pourpres 2 – Les Anges De L’Apocalypse |
1 |
The Corsican FileL’Enquête Corse |
Empire Of The WolvesL’Empire Des Loups |
5 |
The Tiger And The SnowLa Tigre E La Neve |
1 |
Flyboys | |
The Great OcassionsLes Grandes Occasions |
Ca$hCash |
Inside RingLe Premier Cercle / Ultimate Heist |
3 |
22 BulletsL’Immortale / L’Immortel |
7 |
Margaret | |
You Don’t Choose Your FamilyOn Ne Choisit Pas Sa Famille |
The ChefComme Un Chef |
The Dream TeamLes Seigneurs |
Days And Nights | |
My Summer In ProvenceAvis De Mistral |
Hector And The Search For Happiness | |
Benedict Ironbreaker: The Red TaxisBenoît Brisefer: Les Taxis Rouges |
The SquadAntigang |
3 |
Brothers Of The WindThe Way Of The Eagle |
The Visitors: Bastille DayLes Visiteurs 3: La Révolution / Les Visiteurs 3: La Terreur |
3 |
The Last Face | |
The Little ThingsLas Pequeñas Cosas |
Family HeistMes Trésors |
The Adventurers | |
The Girl In The FogLa Ragazza Nella Nebbia |
4L4 Latas |
Cold Blood Legacy | 3 |
A Magical JourneyPolina I Tayemnyzia Kinostudiyi / Polina Et Le Mystère D’Un Studio De Cinéma / Polina And The Mystery Of A Film Studio |
Waiting For Anya | |
Da 5 Bloods | 2 |
The Last Journey Of Paul W.R.Le Dernier Voyage |
I Love You Coiffure | |
Promises | |
Die Hart | |
The Squad: Home RunAntigang: La Relève |
Maison De Retraite 2 | |
Lift | 1 |
My Penguin Friend | |
Family PackLoups-Garous |
No Kills In: The Hypothesis Of The Stolen Painting [L’Hypothèse Du Tableau Volé] | French Kiss | Godzilla | Rollerball | Hotel Rwanda | The Pink Panther | The Da Vinci Code | Flushed Away | The Pink Panther 2 | Couples Retreat | Armored | The Roundup [La Rafle] | The Day Of The Crows [Le Jour Des Corneilles] | Alex Cross | The Promise | The Doorman | Rogue City [Bronx]
Series | Movies |
One Mystery A DayUn Mystère Par Jour |
A Few Men Of Good WillQuelques Hommes De Bonne Volonté |
Hello BeatriceAllô Béatrice |
Black SequenceSérie Noire |
Tender Is The Night | |
Jo | |
Die Hart | |
Call My Agent!Dix Pour Cent |
Who Killed Sara¿Quién Mató A Sara? |
All Those Things We never SaidToutes Ces Choses Qu’On Ne S’Est Pas Dites |
A Private Affair |
**All counts above 9 are tentative. Until there is a video showing verification, you may take these numbers with a grain of salt.