Rage Of Honor (1987): Body Count Breakdown

Rage Of Honor (1987): Body Count by Gregglop09


Shiro Tanaka (Sho Kosugi): 50
Havlock (Lewis Van Bergen): 1
Ray (Richard Wiley): 1


Yacht Fight: 2
Shiro shoots 1 thug
Ray shoots 1 thug

Boat Chase: 2
Shiro throws a ninja star into a thug’s neck, causing the boat to crash and explode, killing another thug

Factory: 10
Shiro shoots 8 thugs
Shiro kills a thug with a throwing star
Ray dies of his wounds inflicted by Havlock

Hotel: 1

Shiro throws an assassin off a balcony to his death

Plane: 1
Bad Guys strangle the pilot

Sneaking In: 2
Shiro breaks 2 thug’s necks

Export Plant Fight: 1
Shiro stabs 1 thug

Jail: 4
Shiro kills the 2 ninjas
Ninjas kill a guard and the other Drug Lord Guy

Jungle: 8
Shiro shoots 2 natives with a crossbow
Shiro kills a native with his own spear
Shiro kills a native with a dart
Shiro kills 4 natives with a katana

Rescue: 2
Shiro throws a knife into a thug
Shiro flips a thug with his staff, causing him to shoot another (not Shiro’s kill)

Ninja Attack: 5

Shiro throws a knife into a ninja’s neck
Shiro kills 4 ninjas with a katana

Final Showdown: 19
Shiro throws a ninja star into a thug’s head
Shiro throws 2 knives into 2 thugs
Shiro shoots 2 thugs
Shiro shoots a thug off a balcony to his death
Shiro blows up 1 thug with a grenade
Shiro blows up 1 thug in cart
Shiro shoots 3 thugs
Shiro kills a thug with a sawblade
Shiro kills a thug with a screwdriver
Shiro shoots a thug off a really high ladder to his death
Thugs shoot 1 of their own
Shiro kills a thug with a throwing star
Shiro kills Coleman’s Thug with a throwing star
Shiro slashes Coleman’s throat with a katana
Shiro kills Havlock